Sloth Chapter 5: A fated reunion

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"Emilia-tan? Wh-what are you doing here?" Subaru questioned since he didn't expect Emilia to be here.

"I don't know. One moment we were in the Pleiades Watchtower and then the next...wait, how long have you been here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you weren't wearing that when we went to the watchtower." Emilia pointed out, knowing that Subaru had a different attire altogether.

"R-Right, well I haven't been here too long's complicated."

Emilia looked at Subaru for a moment before slowly entering, wondering what kind of place she was at. Subaru wanted to stop her but at the same time he knew that she had the right to learn what was going on.

"What is this place, Subaru?"


There was a pause as Emilia's eyes met with the elder Subaru, who was completely stunned at the entire situation. 

Rem also noticed Emilia which caused her hold on her sister to loosen. 

Ram took note of this and was extremely tempted to beat the crap out of the elder Subaru, still angry at him for his misdeeds but she knew that she had to wait since she could sense her sister's fear.

"Emilia-sama, do you know how you got here?" Ram asked, wanting to break the silence that had been lingering in the room for a minute.

"I-I don't know...we were all in the watchtower and then I ended up here. A voice told me to knock on this specific house."

"A voice...?" Subaru asked as he started to think carefully on this. It didn't take the boy long before he figured that this was the watcher's doing.

'You...what the hell are you doing now?!'

"Giving you both an opportunity."

'Both? Opportunity? For what?! To cause drama?!'

There was no response from the watcher.

'Damn that bastard!'

Subaru had tightened his fist for a moment before quickly calming down, knowing that this isn't the time to get angry. Once he managed to calm himself down, Emilia looked deeply at the elder Subaru with a curious look.

"Who are you? Why do you look like Subaru? Are you his older brother?"

"If he were my older brother, he would be pretty lousy at it." Subaru said, wanting to get a jab at his older self.

"I don't know about that, I'm clearly the much wiser one between the two of us."

"Wiser my ass, you just admitted to making a stupid joke. I shouldn't—"

"Okay, shut up." Elder Subaru said as he did not wanted Ram's anger to boil over once again, knowing the hell that awaits him if she was to be reminded of such a dumb mistake he made a long while back. He turned towards Emilia to answer her questions. "This is weird to say but I'm Natsuki Subaru...from another version of your world."

"Another...version of my world? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

'Talk about a blast from the past.' The elder Subaru thought since he did find it cute the way Emilia's confused face looked and how her voice sounds, despite how badly he tried to subconsciously deny that. He turned towards his younger self.

"Hey young me, mind explaining things? You are the expert on this."

Subaru was tempted to make a joke at his older self's expense but since he doesn't want Emilia out of the loop, he started explaining the situation.

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