Takemichi's Story

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What? Who is this girl? She's a time-leaper like him? His eyes widen and mouth slightly opens as he processes more of this information he just received. Only a small laugh snapped him out of his trance.

"What? What's with that look?"

She came closer to inspect his reaction. But Takemichi only steps back, pointing a finger at her stuttering and stumbling on his words like an idiot.

"What-? You- how-?" He tries to form a sentence, but fails miserably. She only signs at the figure in front of her and yanks him into the nearest alleyway.

"H-hey! What are you doing-?"

He gets cut off as he gets thrown into the ground, back against the wall he looks up meet lavender eyes. She took a good look at him and laughed before taking a seat beside him. Awkward silence only accrued when none of them spoke up.

"So... how did you get your time-leaping ability?" he turned his head to the other as she stared into the wall in front of them. She thinks for a moment before breaking into a smile and turning to him also.

"You tell me first takemichi." she grins, turning her gaze back to the wall.

"What? No way- i'm not going first" he protests. She glances at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not, hm?" she questions. Takemitchi things first before coming up with an answer.

"Well, as many men say-" he takes a deep breath before also facing the wall. "Ladies always go first." he finishes with a grin.

Silence was once again brought upon them for a few minutes before a string of laughter echoed throughout the alleyway. He turns back to see Maeko having a hand on her stomach as she laughs. It wasn't that funny?

"Oh- phtt ahaha! Sorry sorry, i just- gehehe-'' she couldn't finish her response and the laughs kept coming and coming. Soon enough it also caught Takemichi into a fit of giggles. What can he say? Laughing was contagious. Soon the laughter died down and they caught their breath. Responding properly this time, she turns to him.

"That's a ridiculous answer. You just tell me first. I'll tell you mine after.'' she declares. Takemichi only gives a deep sigh before starting.

"Well, it first started off trying to save my ex-girlfriend when I first died.'' She looks at him in confusion.

"Why would you wanna save an ex-lover?" she asks. He laughs at the question.

"Well, I still loved her at that time. Not anymore though.." he mumbles. She nodded and patted his shoulder trying to comfort the teenager.

"..don't worry about it, you don't gotta talk about her if you don't want to." she reassures him. He gives her a thankful smile before continuing.

"I thought I was in a dream when I got sent back into the past. I had met up with her and her little brother unintentionally. I spilled everything to him, everything about both of them dying in a car crash." he sighs at the memory, how could he think it was a dream when we could easily feel,see,and remember things clearly? The first thought was that it might've been lucid. He takes another deep breath before continuing.

" I then shook his hand and it took me back to the future. That's when we both decided to make a plan to save his sister."

"So this boy was your 'trigger', huh?" she asks

"Yep, my first one." he answers back.

"Wait first? Did you have another?" surprised by the fact that Takemichi had not only one, but two triggers! But that couldn't be unless..

"He died while trying to protect me." oh.

"I'm sorry.." she bows her head.

"No no, don't be," he smiles. "This is not even going to be the first death you hear from my end" he continues.

Oh my god, how many deaths and burdens did he have to bear?

"Anyway. The plan changed over time though. It first was to take down Mikey, the commander of Toman. Then to save him. Or I tried to.'' explains takemichi. A grim look on his face formed as he remembers Mikey and Toman. He sighs and processes the story.

"It came to saving draken, saving baji, saving hakkai, and many more people. I'm not going into detail since that would take too long. But up until now, I gave up." he finishes with tears welling up in his eyes.

Maeko hesitantly hugs takemichi. She wasn't good with comforting people but this is all she can do. She pulls away and looks at takemichis now tear-stained face. Feeling the urge to ask the question she has in mind. But she's hesitant to do so. So instead she asks.

"May I ask a question?" Takemichi snorts and laughs a little.

"You already are, but shoot your shot." he wiped his tears away and took a glance at her.

"..why did you give up?" it's out. The question is finally out.

He took a moment of silence before taking another deep breath.

"Tetta Kisaki."

"Whos that?" she asks again.

"A man who i hate and he hates me." he says.

"In the future, or original timeline. He had killed, manipulated many people. And that includes mikey." he sniffles. "A man who did all of this for one girl. Hinata Tachibana. My ex."

"All that for one girl?" Surprised at that statement, she then imagines Tetta Kisaki as an obsessive, mentally ill man. Although she is no different from her original timeline. When she was..ahem. Back to the topic at hand.

"Yes, all for her. But she rejected him during that future, and that's when he decided to kill her with the 'accident'.'' he finishes.

"But what did he have to do with you giving up?" She wondered. If he did this for one girl and one girl only. Why did it come to takemichi giving up?

"He found out about the time leaping" she then gives him a questioning look.

"Look, Kisaki is a smart man. I mean he puts the pieces together and bam! He gets the answer." he exclaims.

"Oh, so he's that kind of guy huh?" she blurts out. She always hated the smart ones, really frustrating to deal with.

"Yea, and what he did with the information was twisted."

"And that was?"

"He claimed that I was the reason for Mikey's problems. I tried to explain myself and then he twisted the ability on me. He said 'if he could time leap, why couldn't he save your deceased loved ones? He could have saved them and you all would be happy!'." he mimics his voice.

"..? and they didn't let you explain?"

"No! I guess that they were so blinded by the fact that I could time leap, and couldn't save their loved ones. They turned their back on me!" he yells in frustration.

Takemichi rambles on and on about kisaki, mikey, and toman. Not noticing how his eyes were pouring tears down his face. Maeko, unsure what to do, tries her best to calm the others down. It took a few minutes but it went well. Takemichi reduced his sobs into only sniffles and hiccups.

Maeko looks at him, coming to a conclusion that he needed a distraction. She then moves herself to sit in front of him and starts to use her story as one.

"Why don't I tell you my story?" she asks.

"That would be nice, all we ever heard was me rambling and complaining." he jokes

They both laughed and settled down.

"Okay. so here's my story."

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