4 | monotonous hotel rooms

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HANEUL GROGGILY WOKE up to find herself in a room she'd never seen before

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HANEUL GROGGILY WOKE up to find herself in a room she'd never seen before. She yawned, stepped out of the bed, stretched her body and cracked her bones. Trying to tame her hair, she looked around her surroundings.

It was Taehyung's room, she was sure. The room was screaming Taehyung. Grey and white walls, some canvas paintings hung on the wall, which she knew were painted by him, a regular bed with a little nightstand which had a lamp placed on it, and a medium-sized wooden wardrobe pushed to the corner of the room. Haneul walked closer to the desk placed in front of the wall opposite to his bed. On the desk were some papers, a little portable shelf with probably his art supplies, a water bottle and Taehyung's laptop.

The placement of the room almost reminded her of a hotel room, explaining the white beddings and soft grey curtains. She remembered the fascination Taehyung had for living in those luxury hotel rooms. He always wished to live in those hotel rooms during high school. Making his room seem like one of those expensive yet minimalistic hotel rooms during high school was practically impossible, especially when he had to share his little room with his younger sister. But Haneul remembered him saying innumerable times, that when he would get his room, he would make it look like those classic hotel rooms. And based on what she was seeing, he had been true to his words.

Taehyung had a very unique personality, to say the least. He was funny, charming and extremely outgoing. Being a social butterfly was a factor everyone knew about him in their college days. Yet, below those qualities, he was extremely caring, a literal family guy and a person one could most trust with. He was the shoulder to cry on, the person who'd wished one at 11:59 pm the previous day of their birthday, a person one could count on no matter what. He was the person who one would call at 3 am just because they couldn't sleep, and he was the person who'd let one sneak into his house after they've missed curfew and he'd be the one to reassure their mother that they are safe with him and that they were just studying where in reality was quite different. He was that person for Haneul, and she was absolutely lucky for that. And his bedroom was exactly like him, simple yet extremely classic, giving an oddly satisfying homey vibe.

"You're up? Did you sleep well, dear?" A voice cut Haneul out of her thought's and she looked over to the owner of it. It was none other than Mrs. Kim. Sweet, lovely and extremely kind Mrs. Kim. She had a warm personality like Taehyung and a mother-like gentleness in her. She had always adored Haneul ever since she and Taehyung became friends. Surprisingly enough, it was later revealed to the couple of best friends that both their fathers were good friends in high school, but their contact was broken due to one's unexpected marriage. They were far happier that they had reconnected via their children.

"I did, thank you, auntie," she bowed towards the elder. "How have you been?"

"I've been as well as an old lady can be," Mrs. Kim laughs, "Just worried a bit about Taehyung. That stubborn boy wouldn't listen to me."

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