20 - But what if Mr. Dragon was not kall?

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(Continued from the last chapter...)

"We'll get going now." Ninny dragged Dandy out of the class. I think you know where this is going.

All of a sudden, Mr. Dragon appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air, a heavenly glow around him.

"True heroes don't die, they only respawn" A voice could be heard.

Mr. Dragon dropped down.

"Holy sh*t! Mr. Dragon!" Geronimo exclaimed, arms flailing around.

"Hey! My fellow clanmates! How you guys been doing?" Mr. Dragon greeted them.

"Good, good.. How did you get revived?" Swisha asked

"Optic Swish, true heroes can never die, they only respawn!"

"Oh, sweet!"

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Dandy and Ninny were.. I don't want to make this story Smut but its hard not to :P kissing each other in a stall. I'm only writing stuff like this for Hunter/Writer's pleasure.

I'm gonna regret doing this, Mostly becuase these characters are based off me and my friend.. They looked at each other with unblinking eyes.

"I love you Dandy.." 

"I love you too. NinNin Chan"

"Dude I'm older than you... So I would call you Dandy chan."

"Also, you're the Seme in this relationship." Ninny said



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