Chapter 11

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Song of chapter:
Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato - Avalanche
My fave song :((

-Jack POV-

"Yeah your son makes me a better person too." Hannah whispered not realizing I walked in. Her voice was so sure of how she felt about me.

I heard her entire conversation with my mother and it made my heart melt. I didn't even know they were close enough to talk about our personal things. "Do you enjoy eavesdropping or are you going to blame me for using the phone when you're around." She said coldly looking at me.

Gee, you'd think she softened up after talking to my mom and saying those things. The anger was back - in both of us.

"Get over it Hannah! You're the one acting like you're twelve." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going to shower now so get out." She said very nicely.

"Bitch." I murmured and walked out of the room, slamming the door. I know she heard me because tears were already welled in hee eye. But I don't care because she's acting like a bitch.

But I immediately felt bad. I showered in the other bathroom and got changed before Hannah was done in the other shower. When the water was done running, I heard Hannah sniff a couple times. Fuck.

I waited in the den for her to get ready but the fact that she's crying ate at my mind. I never wanted to hurt her at all. After a few minutes she came out of the room, my mouth fell open.

She was wearing a tight black dress and hot red heels. It was like she was taunting me with something I could never have. I cleared my throat and followed her out of the door watching her strut.

I noticed a small smirk from her. Yep she wins this round by far.

-Hannah POV-

We spotted our parents already seated at the restaurant. A few guys turned heads towards me as we walked towards them. Jack tensed up and walked closer to me. I thought its cute that he's protective. But what he called me earlier on still made me tear up a bit. I pushed it aside when I spotted my parents smiling.

"My babygirl!" My dad said hugging me the second we got to the table. "We missed you."

"Yeah dad missed you too." I laughed and hugged my mom. I greeted Jack's parents too and his mom nodded at me, she gripped my hand as we sat down. Jack was beside me and looked away.

"How have you two been?" Jacks Dad asked.

"Great." Jack muttered. I nodded and tried to be more happier but I wasn't. The waiter had ordered and brought our drinks when things went from okay to fucking bad.

"So...have we kept the abstinence policy?" Mr Gilinsky laughed.

"I hope we're not surprised with grandkids before the wedding." My dad added seriously.

I choked on my Coke. Jack snorted.

"No..we don't even share the same bed Dad so don't worry." I said looking away. I felt embarrassed talking about this because sometimes I wanted Jack. In that way and I was tempted a lot of times.

"Well you should start getting used to sleeping in the same bed." My mom said sweetly. "After the wedding grandchildren are expected."

I almost threw up.


We arrived home after a dinner of bickering and awkward conversation with our parents about babies. We were both on edge ready to snap at each other.

"Who'd want a mother so uptight?" Jack mumbled when I closed the door. That's when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Yeah don't worry Jack. I don't want my children to have a father like you, I'd never torture them like that." I shot back.

"You're - "

"A bitch right? I heard you loud and clear Jack! So thanks for that." My voice broke at the end. "It felt amazing knowing you think that."

"Hannah - " he sighed.

"You're so selfish." I yelled and threw my purse at him and went into our bedroom.

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