Chapter 6: Monster Basic Training:

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The following school day went as normal as any. You had the regular core classes like English in the morning with the DJ man: His actual hero name was Present Mic. The way he taught really just made you wanna slam your head on the desk multiple times.

Lunch followed suit; definitely, your favorite class already. The hero Lunch Rush could make some really tasty stuff. You were going to go sit with Midoriya and their gang but were called over by Kirishima and Sato instead. Their table consisted of Bakugo, Mina, Jiro, Kaminari, and the two that had invited you.

"How'd you beat me in the 50-meter dash shitty hair!" Bakugo yelled at you as you placed down your tray. You shrugged your shoulder helplessly and sat down to eat. God, this rice bowl is to kill for. Sitting at the table, you could tell these were very... upbeat and out-there people. Their conversation got to the topic of quirks, eventually landing on you.

"So (L/N), how does your power work? That was totally awesome what you did with the throw and the jump and the -" "You can call me (Y/N), I'm not much of a fan of people using my last name," you interrupted Mina before continuing. "And to be honest, I don't truly understand how my quirk works. I have the weird tentacle ability and my body changes in certain circumstances. But I have no idea what it's called," you added, looking up from your food.

"Deep," Jiro said before resuming eating her bento box.

"Don't think you're better than me just because you beat me in some stupid race!" Bakugo spoke up, pointing a finger at you from across the table. This friend group was something else. The chaos and constant talking are nice compared to being alone for so long. Once the lunch bell sounded came the moment the whole class had been anticipating.

Hero Basic Training!

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might yelled, striking a pose in the doorframe. The class mood had heightened tenfold, and excited chatter spread across the room. So it was really him! This is crazy! You had never really been a big hero fan (mostly from not having a chance to be), but everyone had heard of All Might! He was the #1 hero for crying out loud!

All Might went on to explain what it was to be a hero and pulled out a call that said: BATTLE. So we were doing combat training. That'll be interesting. Looking down at your fist, it had subconsciously clenched, your knuckles turning bone-white from lack of blood. You shook it quickly before returning attention to All Might.

"But one of the keys to being a hero issssss looking good!" He proclaimed while pointing to the farthest wall of the classroom. The wall itself started to open, showing cases with different numbers. The whole class basically squealed at the sight; it was costumed after all. Who wouldn't want to look badass while saving the day?

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at training ground beta!" All Might announced, dismissing the class. Everyone hopped out of their seats and went to grab their respective case and headed to change. You once again went into the stall to shift into costume.


When coming up with the idea for your costume, the letter 'X' made itself known from a deep-seated part in your mind. Aizawa told you what you needed for the clothing allowance and helped you with the design. With that, you had to admit you looked pretty badass. 

A leather jet-black trench coat swayed gently in the wind as you tug at the hem of it. It had been made to stretch and fit your body when you changed and gave you good protection against heat and cold. Your black combat boots clicked against the concrete pavement, and a few of your other classmates started to look at you. Black belts went around your neck and your upper chest; the fashion idea of Aizawa himself. Black belted gloves ran up your arms to your elbows. To finish off the look, a large black fedora rested on your head, casting a shadow over most of your features. 

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