⚘Perfect World?

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Even tho forever is a beautiful lie,
I wish love lasts forever between you and I,

The line where perfect fantasy and real world come together,
I bulit a perfect world for you and I,

Filling it with all the memories of you and I,
Everytime we laughed together,
Everytime we cried,
Everytime our eyes met,
Everytime I heard your voice,

The line where perfect fantasy and real world come together,
I bulit a perfect world for you and I,

But in the end even the perfect wasn't perfect enough,
In the end we were just confined into another space,
And I had to let you go,

Your time ended before mine,
And so the promise of staying together forever broke,

But even tho you left
Memories of you,
Still stays alive inside my heart.

And these memories keep creating the perfect world I long to be in,
But the world I mustn't be in for long,

Once again those memories built a perfect world for you and I...

World where you are alive,
World where we are together,
But the World where is no future,

Once again those memories built a perfect world for you and I...

But this time your memories took a shape of butterfly,
With one flap it took away all the uneasy feelings building in,
With another flap it removed the fog which was hiding the future,

Voice inside my heart
That belonged to you,
Gave me the wings to reach my future,

Even if nothing lasts forever,
Your words, Your sweet smile, Your goodness stays forever,
And the love we had took the name of my forever truth.




Because the magic is in me, and the magic is in you. 🍀

Let's stay connected.


❝ Place where the sky meets the ocean, forbidden lovers reunite.❞

⚘Thank you for reading⚘

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