72. the only love I haven't screwed up

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Loki could not find Mobius after The TVA recaptured him, this time along with Sylvie.

He hadn't thought about what his action could affect Mobius when he followed his Variant through the Time Door at Roxxcart. He should really have thought about that.

Basically what happened after episode three, but the author made it not-so slightly different from what we saw in the series.


Pairing: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius


Loki could not say he was glad he was found — they were found — just in time before the apocalypse could take him and his Variant down for good, like it was taking Lamentis down. If anything, he supposed it meant he'd once again cheated death, like he always did, whether or not it was intentional. He didn't know if he was going to survive the Time-Keepers' judgement, and he found himself unable to worry about his own fate, for it was never really his own. His glorious purpose: what was it, if not yet another meaningless trick to keep him submissive, obediently following what'd already been written by the Norns up above. Or, what the Time-Keepers had already decided for him, just like Mobius had said.

He didn't mean to betray Mobius. But how he felt wouldn't really matter, when in the end he walked away nonetheless. A sigh unconsciously left Loki's mouth when the thought of his only friend crossed his mind. He remembered telling Mobius, at Roxxcart Store, he could trust him. He lied, like he always did.

Loki hadn't seen Mobius, ever since he was escorted back to the TVA. It was... weird. He would've thought Mobius's — angry? Surely. Disappointed? Maybe. Hurt? It wasn't like there was... something going on between the two of them — face would've been one of the very first things he saw.

He was partly surprised, after he was shoved into one of the Time Theaters, and the person — the Analyst — who was waiting for him, wasn't Mobius. Loki hadn't met the man before, but one thing for sure: the man lacked Mobius's warmth. The kindness in his eyes purely absent. He made Loki feel uneasy, but he supposed that was to be expected from The TVA's Agent. The fact Mobius had made him feel safe, that was something only Mobius could provide; that sense of security.

"Take a seat, Mister Laufeyson." The Analyst said. His voice sounded cold, unlike Mobius's.

Loki studied him from a safe distance. He wanted... Loki didn't know what he wanted. He didn't specifically want Mobius, but at this point, he figured Mobius should've been here, interrogating him. Something was off. And even though part of him thought, 'Maybe Mobius gave up on you. Why wouldn't he? He trusted you and you screwed it up like you always did,' there was another part that screamed something was wrong. Mobius wouldn't turn his back on him, abandon him, even if he might just deserve that.

"You're not Mobius," Loki said, and wasn't aware of himself speaking the obvious aloud until he heard his voice echoing in the chilling air.

"No, Mister Laufeyson, I supposed I am not," came the Analyst's response.

Loki still watched him from afar, still hadn't yet approached the table he used to sit with Mobius. I want Mobius. No, he couldn't actually say that, but he was starting to realize, as seconds went by, he did, in fact, want his friend.

If he was your friend, then why would you betray him?

Because that was what he did; he betrayed and he stabbed those who cared about him in the backs.

Loki. Loki, wait! Loki!

"Mister Laufeyson," The new Analyst's voice promised the hint of impatience, it snapped Loki out of his little trance.

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