dwarf mine

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We stepped out of the mirror. I held onto the boys hand. Deuce he said his name was.

"This sucks. I can't believe I got dragged here by you two again! It's all This stupid cat and the brats fault" ace said putting his hands behind his head. I looked down.

"Mya fault?! It's your fault for skipping cleaning!"

"You could have cleaned them your self! There are two of you!"

"Yuu is tiny! And got hurt! And I can't use my paws that long besides you started the fight you should be punished to!" I clutched deuces hand and he glared at the two.

"Enough! I'm sick of this your both at fault! Causing ruckus on the first day of school. Draggin in innocent people like me and Yuu here. Shame on you"

"Oh shut up ya goody two shoes no one cares" we made out way over to the mine. i didn't like hearing all the yelling it was a bit to much for my ears.

" shut-...so this is dwarf's mine... long ago, this mine was flush with magestones" deuce said looking at the dark care. it looked scary inside. right as he said that the other two both became silent looking into the dark cave.

"urgh...Who knows what lurks in there now?" grim shuddered moving behind me and grabbing my shoulder's i winced when his claws started to dig in.

"well ... lets head inside. not like the nights going to get any longer" ace groaned starting to walk inside. i looked at the wood uptop wondering how a tree could even grow up there.

"you're just gonna head i there?" grim dug his claws in more making me wince. that was starting to really hurt.

"what, are you scared of the dark? pathetic!" i pouted. it was perfectly normal to be scared of the dark. he didn't have to be such a meanie! he acted like one of my old brothers from the other homes. older brothers always picked on me and the other younger siblings.

"wha!! i'm not scared of anything! i'm taking the lead. you all follow me!" grim let go of me and stomped in front of ace kicking his shin as he walked past.

"huh? hold up!" deuce yelled picking me up rushing after.

"what now?" ace groaned stopping and turning to look at us.

"there's something there!" deuce pointed infront of them holding me against his chest. i looked and there where two ghosts. i clutched deuce's shirt shaking.

"hehe visitors! the first in ten years! do make yourselves at home..you can stay FOREVER" deuce turned running off leaving grim and ace behind. i looked behind seeing us being chased further into the mine. ace and grim following and the ghosts not to far behind them. just then we ducked behind a wall. the ghosts going right past us.

"more ghosts!? they're floating around here too!" ace panted holding his knees as he tried to catch his breath. deuce set me down gently on the ground trying to catch his breath to.

"if we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. let's just keep moving." he stood and looked around as ace straightened glaring at deuce.

"sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader. the only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled' i looked at them confused.

" not this again! i'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shrink your cleaning punishment!" deuce growled. i gulped and stepped back against a rock. deuce had been really nice till now. why was he acting different?

" so we're bringing up ancient history now? then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball shot a fucking flame ball at me!" i grabbed my shoulder remembering how hot that flameball was.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora