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(Y/N) had just gone back to his house to prepare for his date with you. Your skirt and blouse were still covered in sand, which had covered the floors and walls of Bruno's tower.

Your prima, Mirabel, was also covered in sand, much more than you were. "Are you alright, Mira?" You whisper, catching the young lady's attention.

Mirabel fixes the glasses on her face, "Yeah, yeah, i'm alright!" Mirabel had her hands in her curly hair searching for more grains of sand that was still stuck.

A distinct crying could be heard from outside the Casíta, you still haven't heard anyone console the crying, so it just continued.

The sound found its way inside, then up the stairs. Stopping infront of (Y/N) who was about to head down.

It was Mirabel's older sister, Luisa, who had found the donkeys heavy when she went to throw them.

"Is your sister okay?" You lightly whisper, Mirabel held a long worrisome look at Luisa, who had vented to her just earlier.

"I don't know..." She let out in a slow and quiet voice.

You felt remorse for your prima, Luisa's problems only became another reason for Mirabel to solve the problem with the miracle.

"You should go to tía Pepa now, i'll do my own thing." She rubbed her nose with her palm, showing a happy look after the hand dropped from her face.

Your mama was very much eager to pick your clothes out for you, and also do your make-up.

After getting married, Pepa had lost alot of her chances to dress up in her favorite dresses again, the pressure from Abuela continuously urging the two of them to continue the family blessing was their main focus after their marriage.

It would mean alot to Pepa to bestow her old dresses over to her daughter, you, so that she can know that the dresses will not be put to waste, and that they would belong to someone she loves alot.

"Oh, yeah.." you whisper, searching around the Casíta with your gift, to find the whereabouts of your mother, Pepa.

The sounds of the pitter patter and slow rainfall emitted from the bottom floor, the sounds of cloth sliding across each other came along with it, telling you a rough estimate to your mama's location.

You wave your prima goodbye, as she waved back more enthusiastically.


(Y/N) was at his house, helping his parents pick his clothes out for him, so you felt the need to do it yourself too.

As you slowly step on the stairs, avoiding any creeking floorboards, the sound of creaking was a sharp yet quick noise that was very irritating to hear, you hear the steady rainfall grow closer towards the bottom of the stairs.

You look down, across the corner that the stairs bent in, and see your mama walking over to the stairs with a basket of clothes.

"Dolores! Hi! After I get Antonio's stuff, want me to help you prepare?" Pepa held a long stare, her eyes refusing to blink, with a wide smile that stretched her whole face.

You knew denying this offer would lead to endless thunder, because of the disappointment from Pepa.

"Sure, mama! I'll help you with that too." You lean your arms out to hold the basket, which Pepa moved onto your hands when they touched the basket.

Pepa wipes her hands on each other, "Come! Come, come, come, come." She holds your hand as she walks towards the nursery which still had Mirabel investigating inside, to none of your knowledge.

Just Out Of Reach || doloresxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now