No More Secrets

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After you dropped Luisa at her work site you dashed back into the market square. Where are you Nina? You bobbed and weaved through clusters of people. You scanned the crowd for your dark haired cousin. Of course, she was nowhere to be found. You didn't realize you were holding your breath, eventually you couldn't keep going. You had almost collapsed, gasping for air. You crouched with your hands on your knees,, frantically catching your breath.

"You alright Y/N?" said a familiar voice behind you. Camillo Madrigal.

"Uhhh," you turned around to face him, a concerned look on his face you weren't used to seeing. "No I'm not"

"What happened? Is Luisa okay?" He sounded panicked.

"Luisa's fine" You were still panting. "Sorry Camillo, I gotta find someone. I'll catch you up in a minute"

He nodded, worry still lingering on his face. You stood up and continued on your search for Nina. You had to know she was gonna keep her mouth shut. You started racing up and down the side streets of Encanto. Street vendors and other little shops lined the streets, smells of cooking meat and dried herbs swirled and filled your lungs. All of your senses were being overwhelmed. You hadn't blinked in a while, hoping to not miss Nina, your eyes began to water and accidental tears started to stream down your face. By now you had searched the entirety of town. Nina was nowhere. Just when you had given up, there were two familiar figures in the bakery windows. Nina and her mother. They stood at the counter, chatting and laughing with your brother who was working. You rushed inside, frantically, the bell on the front door echoing your chaotic aura. They all jumped to look at you.

"Nina!" You gasped. Her eyes were wide. Your Tia and brother looked at you confused. You straightened up your posture, painting a fake smile on your face. "Uh hey! Nina can I talk to you upstairs for a second"

Nina forcibly smiled too "Of course Mi Prima"

You stared at her with wide eyes as you crossed behind the counter and up to the residential part of the building. Your smile dropped as soon as your family members were out of sight. You yanked on Nina's arm, rushing her into your room. You shut the door behind you.

"Sit" You commanded her. No friendliness in your tone. This was strictly business. She obeyed, taking a seat on the corner of your bed. You sat too, turning your desk chair around to face the bed, creating distance between you two. Nina looked down at her hands. You waited for her to speak. After a minute she finally spoke.

"I didn't see anything"

"You don't have to lie" you crossed your arms.

"Okay maybe I know. But I won't say anything"

"How can i trust that? Not to be rude but you are like the worlds worst secret keeper"

"I know i haven't been good at keeping secrets in the past" She paused, looking up at you with remorseful eyes. "But, this is different, Y/N"

"How is it different?"

"This is a way bigger deal" She lowered her voice, practically to a whisper. "And i would never try to  expose you like that. Or Luisa. Frankly Alma Madrigal terrifies me and I think she'd probably kill me if I was caught spreading rumors like that"

You couldn't help but laugh a little because it was true. Abuela Alma was fierce and would do anything to protect her family. You probably could never really rule off murder, just because she loved them all that much.

"You swear you won't say anything?"

"I swear on my life, Y/N" her tone was very serious

"Thank you" you whispered. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"So am i allowed to congratulate you for landing a Madrigal?" Nina joked


"Okay" She looked down. You smiled a little at her antics. Camillo and her would love each other. They're both so chaotic.

After your talk with Nina you had to find Camillo and Luisa to tell them both everything was under control. You honestly felt a little embarrassed for feeling so panicked. It meant a lot that Nina was so sincere. You had nothing to be worried about.

Camillo was still in town square. The concern waved back on his face as you approached. You gave him a very brief run down of the situation, before bouncing off to find Luisa. He was relieved that everything was okay. Luisa was still working on the houses. You knew exactly where her work site was, you had regularly popped by to say hi to her and distract her from her work. When you got to the house you popped your head inside, you saw on head stand above the others, directing them around. She turned to see you by the door, you put up a hand to wave. She muttered something to the people she was working with before walking over to you. She closed the door behind her and brought you over to a little corner out of earshot from anyone. Anyone besides Dolores of course, but that was inevitable.

"What if we just didn't keep our relationship private anymore?" Luisa said before you could tell her what happened.

You didn't have a response because you hadn't thought that that was a possibility. The thought of getting to hold her and kiss her and call her yours publicly made your eyes fill with tears. You hadn't realized how badly you wanted that until she spoke it. From the moment your relationship started it was like an unspoken rule that no one would ever know. The only people who were in on your relationship even now were people who were told by accident. The idea of being able to take that power back and be the ones to tell Encanto you were together was thrilling.

"You'd want that?"

She nodded slowly, "I mean we're gonna have to tell 'em eventually"

"Yeah?" you smiled big.

"Oh did you think you were getting rid of me?" She laughed "Yeah that's not happening"

You laughed too. "I love you"

"You do?" Luisa smiled big and dumbfounded.

You were slightly horrified that you had said it. You had never said that to Luisa before and neither had she. It kinda came out of your mouth before you put much thought into it. Her question made you ponder for a second, did you really love her? or did you just say that because? No. You meant it. You knew you meant it.

"Yeah I do" You smiled equally as wide as her.

"God I wish I could kiss you right now" She whispered.

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