just a little message

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So if you are this far on the story, you have probably finished it and for that I am very grateful and happy. I'm not a writer and I do this basically just to improve my writing skills and to get out those story lines from my head, but if I had managed to entertain you in the process I more than glad. 

Anyways. Please comment and vote. I love to read your thoughts and reactions, good and bad. And yeah in the point that I realized that I wanted Sof to end up with Carlos it was too late and I was too lazy to do anything about it, I'm sorry, but maybe, you never know what happens to them in future. 

Also I loved to write about her future and relationship to Schumachers, so if you want more about that I think I could write a chapter or two more. Like some storied from her youth and maybe one from her revisit to the family after the Christmas. 

But for now, thank you and hope you are safe! 

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