When you meet

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Freddy the bunny
You walked into the office tiredly as you sat down. In the chair and started listening to the recording, as usual it would start off with a hello. After awhile you got bored and starting spinning yourself in the spin able chair, what you didn't know was that a curtain bear was watching you until he walked in "Hello." He said as you screamed and fell off the chair as he rushed to the side
"Who are you!" You asked as he helped you up "I am Freddy." He smiled at you as you blushed from embarrassment "I-I am (Y/n)." You stuttered as you mentally face palmed yourself 'Oh god why did I have to do that now he will think I'm weird! I don't want him leaving! He's kinda cute... Wait what!? I can't be feeling this when I just met him.' You thought as Freddy smiled but his smiled soon dropped when the six am bell rang "Well (Y/n) I must be leaving now
Bonnie fazbear
You didn't know why you had to choose this job... Maybe it was for the money? No it was for your fate
You went on the cameras immediately as you heard the recording. You cursed under your breath as that damn bunny was gone "Where's that bunny?!" You yelled frustrated not expecting to hear a answer that made you scared as you faced a lilac haired boy with bunny ears, a white shirt with a black vest over it and a bow tie, you couldn't lie he was actually cute as you blushed slightly "Looking for me~?" He purred as you nodded slowly "What's your name darling~?" He purred in a flirtatious tone as your cheeks went redder "(Y-Y/n)" you stuttered shyly as you looked at him "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. The names Bonnie and I will see you next time." Bonnie said then winking while walking out as the six am bell rang as you stood there confused 'What just happened?'
Chico the fox
You were sitting in the office not a care in the world as you spun around then had a staring contest with the cupcake. But after a while you just sat there doing your job.
You flashed the light and Bonnie was there trying to grab you, but you didn't let that happen so you closed the door and made faces at him as he stormed off into the hallway, While you checking the cameras a shy voice asked you politely from the doorway "Miss... You should be watching us..." He replied shyly, you looked at him and noticed he was wearing a yellow sweater with a bib that said lets eat and orange shorts. He looked totally cute so you squealed in the very chair and pushed it down (poor chair... XD) while running up to him hugging the port guy tightly as he blushed madly "But I'm the bad guy..." He asked shyly as you stared up at him "To me your a cutie!" You said playing with his yellow hair "My names (Y/n). What's yours?" You asked looking at him "M-My name is Chico..." Chico replied smiling a little "Well it's nice to meet you Chico." "I have to go now. But it was nice meeting you!" Chico said hugging you then running off as the bell rang signalling your shift has ended
Foxy the chicken
You were on the camera searching constantly for the animatronics. Why you ask? Well you listened to the recording and it freaked you out not wanting to die... But there's this one animatronic that's a fox and won't stop bugging you while the others are just roaming around "Why you do this to me!" You shouted slumping in the chair and then going back on the tablet searching for them. You checked pirates cove finding the fox not there as you panicked you didn't expect to hear a voice "Hello lass!" You froze and grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be the tablet and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face as he fell down "Aye! Why did ye throw that!?" He yelled rubbing his nose as you just glared at him "Well I'm not the one popping in on people!" You yelled at him as he got up "Well ye got good throws... The names Foxy!" Foxy said holing out his hand. You where about to shake it when you saw the hook but ignored it thinking it will be rude "
The names (Y/n)." You said smiling "That be a beautiful name for a beautiful lass." Foxy said smirking as your cheeks heated up "Well it was nice meeting ye (Y/n) but me have t' get back to me cove." Foxy said running out of the office 'He is kinda cute...' You thought blushing and headed out as your shift ended a minute ago
My first scenario. I'm happy it went out great
Freddy: Stap changing our names! I'm not a bunny!
Bonnie: And I'm not a bear!
Foxy: Aye me don't want to be a chicken!
Chico just hides his face in his sweater not wanting to join the argument
Phantom: Can't help it. I just have to also I can do whatever I want since I own the book. *smirks*
*Freddy and them except Chico frown*
Bonnie: You no fun...
Phantom: Hey do you want your guitar taken away!?
Bonnie: N-No!
Hope ha liked it. Since it's my first scenario

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