Chapter { 40 } : Happy birthday twinny

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School SUCKS. I can't wait to graduate next year.

Enjoy lovelies. ♡


Mirabella :

I groaned as I opened my eyes, to be met with darkness.

What the hell happened.

I remembered what happened, Damion. the fights. they drugged me.

I tried moving, but ended up hissing, because a pain shot through my wrists.

I tried moving other parts of my body, but to no avail, my legs and arms where bound to a chair I was sitting on.

I glanced around the room, it was so dark I could barely see, it was empty, and a door stood opposite me.

Where the hell am I?

I mean, am I not supposed to marry this bastards son?, I mean I think I deserve a better welcoming.

You're acting like you weren't kidnapped by a mafia don who does sex trafficking, and sells women for money.

But he won't do anything to me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud bang, coming from the door.

It was dark, but I heard the door open, and a bulky form stepped in.

"I see you're awake princess", said a man's voice.

"Who are you?", I asked in curiosity.

He chuckled, "I'm Vladimir Mironov",

The Russian mafia don.

"I think you might've heard of me", he continued.

"Yeah... the crazy man who wants me for his son, right?", I asked acting bored, when in fact I'm petrified.

"Yes, I am, but unfortunately, I don't have a son anymore", he said in his russian accent.

I still couldn't see him, but there was no hesitation in his voice.

"What do you mean?", I asked in confusion.

"My son died years ago, but he wasn't announced dead, so everyone thinks he's alive", he chuckled at the end.

What, does this man have a heart.


"Then why am I here?, you can't possibly think of marrying me, right?", I asked in disbelief.

"No.. trust me I hate that you're here as much as you do, but I like enjoying this", he replied in a manipulative tone.

This dude is crazy.

"Enjoying what?", I asked.

"Enjoying crushing your family over and over again", he paused, "just like I enjoyed it when I killed your mother", he continued, and I could feel him smirk through those words.

Anger boiled on my veins.
How could he say this so causally.

He moved forward so now I could see him, he was really big, and his hair was cut really short, he was wearing a tux and it looked way smaller than him.

He crouched next to me, "I will crush them again and again and again, and what's better than using you", he said sternly.

"Why?", I asked still not budging.

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