Chapter 1 : I'm Sorry

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Hello people. Here the first chapter or so of this story ! Are you reading, I dunno, Do I care, maybe a bit lot, anyway here it goes :

Chapter 1 : I'M SORRY

Killua woke up in a jolt. His first instinct was to stiffen, and look around from the corners of his eyes. He was… He was in a metallic room, dark. He recognised the place. He was somewhere in a certain hospital's parking lot, not so far from the hospital room of his best friend. Nanika, or Alluka for all he knew, was still sleeping on his lap.

Gon was alive.

He realised it just as he straightened into a sitting posture. They had succeeded, they were back in the past. In a past when none of his friends were dead, or Hisoka and most of the spiders, the zodiacs, his family and-

Kurapika died.

Suddenly the happiness of the moment disappeared, replaced with an ugly feeling. He wanted to throw up.
It was not only Kurapika. Leorio and Gon, too. His family, and Goto was still dead. He wouldn't have minded confessing the truth to Goto, he had felt so close to him. But the realisation stuck hard. Besides him, his sisters and maybe Senritsu, he had no one anymore.

Everyone had died. It wouldn't change. They were all different.

No, he was the one who had changed. He was the one left alone in a world of strangers.

It had been two years since the Black Whale had reached the New Continent. Too long. Nothing would ever be the same for Killua.

Or would it ?

"Big brother ?"

The sweet voice calmed him down. He was overreacting. It was perhaps a side effect of Time traveling so far. He caressed Alluka's hair, gently.

"Yo. Are you okay ?"

"I want to see my friends."

"Alluka… Your friends. My friends, they're all-..."

A finger came shutting his lips. Alluka, previously looking lost and confused, wore now a face full of assurance.

"They are all alive. Kurapika, Gon and Leorio are living out there. And in there," she added after thinking it through. "For now, it may seems to you that your friends aren't your friends, that there are two different persons in the world with the same name. It is but an illusion ! If you come around, you'll see the only thing changed was their knowledge, they're the same. Just alive. You'll adapt quickly enough."

"...How did you-"

"Don't think you can dumb me when you're sad !"

That drew a laugh out of Killua's throat. She was right, as always. This particular scene called him back to the past, or more like the present.

"It seems like I can only get lectured in this room," he joked, and they laughed to their heart's contempt. They really didn't know if the tears coming out were from happiness or something else. Nobody questioned the broken voice which escaped from one or both of their throats at one point, nobody cared. "Do you think we should wait there a little bit more ?" suggested Killua when they stopped.

"Big brother Illumi is already gone so why not ?"


When Gon opened his eyes, he was as good as new. He wasn't feeling ill or anything. He had to search a bit in his memories to remember. Chimera Ants. Neferupito. Kite. He remembered seeing Killua before it happened. How long had he been asleep ?

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