Extra V: Tang Shishi's Previous Life Part 3

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Tang Shishi shut up and refused to say her name. Zhao Chengjun soon lost interest in her after seeing that she was not willing to say her name and went back to reading.

Tang Shishi sat quietly in the corner. She could not help but peek at Zhao Chengjun one after another.

In Tang Shishi’s memory, Jing Wang had always been cold, solemn, tall, and powerful. Wherever he stood, he could completely tower Tang Shishi. In Jing Wang’s mansion, every time he appeared, the womenfolk were too frightened to speak. Tang Shishi had seen Zhao Chengjun execute the beauty who climbed the bed with her own eyes. For this reason, she became more afraid of him. She bowed her head deeply every time they met for fear of attracting Jing Wang’s attention.

The impression he left on her in later life was too deep, and now Tang Shishi could still remember the feeling of fear at that time. However, he was only thirteen years old at the moment, a tall and slender figure with a beautiful appearance. No matter which angle, he was a handsome and harmless young man. Tang Shishi’s three views* were severely impacted, and it was awkward to look at him.

(three views* – One of basic teaching in Buddhism)

Zhao Chengjun knew she was secretly looking at him, but fortunately, she was still quiet, so Zhao Chengjun let her go. Tang Shishi watched him for a while, and gradually felt sleepy. Only then did Tang Shishi know that ghosts would also be tired.

She was unhappy when she was a human, so she could no longer be harsh on herself when she became a ghost. Tang found a comfortable place, laid down quietly, and went to sleep with her eyes close.

Zhao Chengjun flipped through a few more pages of the book and did not realize when his ears gradually became quiet. Zhao Chengjun turned his head and saw a woman lying on the couch, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep. Her sleeping posture was not good, leaned to one side habitually with her hair loose on the bed, and a few strands of her hair fell to the ground. Her face was pressed on her hair, which was not as big as his palm. She appeared even more fragile and beautiful that could break with a touch.

Zhao Chengjun could not hear the sound of breathing. She was indeed dead. Zhao Chengjun only believed in Tang Shishi’s words to some degree, but now looking at her pure and innocent sleeping face, the balance in Zhao Chengjun’s heart tilted a little more.

Perhaps she was really a concubine who had an unfortunate fate from later life. She looked like she was only in her early twenties. She died when she was at her best time and appearance.

What a pity.

Looking at her face, Zhao Chengjun believed that she would be very favored, and also believed that she would be killed very early.

Zhao Chengjun only glanced at her twice, then withdrew his gaze. What if was, what if was not, what did it have to with him?

Tang Shishi slept soundly this time. Since she entered the palace, she was extremely cautious and rarely slept peacefully. After entering the Jing Wang mansion and then later Eastern Palace, her mind became heavier, and Tang Shishi’s sleepiness became lighter.

She obviously slept very well when she was young. Lin Wanxi often said that Tang Shishi was heartless. She would go to sleep after eating when she was hungry. Even if firecrackers were set off outside, she could not be awakened. Not sure whether Lin Wanxi knew that Tang Shishi could be easily awakened now.

Tang Shishi did not know whether she was dreaming or dying flash. She actually saw her childhood when she was only six years old, wearing a double bun and pestering her mother for a shiny headpiece. Tang Yanyan always has the most fashionable jewelry, but when it was Tang Shishi’s turn, it just happened to be gone.

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