CHAPTER 28. The Unsaid Words

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   It was close to midnight, and if the people down the stairs knew I could hear the screaming and shouting, they paid no heed to me trying to sleep.

I sighed lowly and sat up, reaching over and turning on the light. When I heard Cross shout a little louder, I growled under my breath.

I stomped to the door and opened it, leaning towards the stairs. "Some of us are trying to sleep!" I shouted, and I swore I heard Nicholas laugh.

I then slammed the door closed and crossed my arms, frowning. I knew the vampires and my new found brother needed to work everything out, but they could do it with less screaming.

I turned my back to the door and walked back to the bed, palm touching the cover. I ran my fingers over the blanket and frowned. I hope this all works out -

I froze as the door opened and spun around.

River gazed at me, face blank.

"R-River!" I whispered his name loudly and moved forward, touching his chest with my hand lightly. He grabbed my wrist, other hand going to the back of my head.

A gasp left my lips as his mouth suddenly touched mine. His kiss was so soft and gentle, nothing like Cross or Lion's rough and demanding kiss.

River pulled back just as quickly, leaving me with closed eyes, chasing after his mouth. He laughed softly and and pressed my head to his chest.

"Weak," I grumbled and looked up at him, gazing at his lips in longing. River noticed my desire and lifted me up, leading my legs around his waist.

I giggled when he turned and pressed me against the door, mouth slanting against mine. About fucking time, I thought in delight losing myself easily in his slow but deep kiss.

I bit down on his bottom lip, and he pressed me tighter into the door, hand holding my thigh tightly, pulling it up. I turned my head to the side and took a deep sharp breath.

"River," I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly met his eyes. "What was that for?" I asked, eyes shining.

River said nothing, placing his forehead against mine. We stared at each for a long time, my brows drawing together in confusion at his silence. "Are you upset with me?" I guessed.

River shook his head and slowly set me down, leaving me feeling cold. "No, not in the slightest, I'm more annoyed that you keep disappearing with strange people," his voice was low.

I shrugged. "Yeah well, Cyprus is certainly a character,"

River shook his head and leaned on the wall, gazing at me sharply. "No more or less than his sister,"

I raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. "So, the verdict -?" I paused when River grabbed my arm sharply and pulled me towards him. My hand free slammed into his chest as I raised it, stunned.

River gazed at my arm and I slowly followed his eyes. My lips in shock as my veins seemed to glow a soft mix between blue and white. "Whoah," I breathed and slowly looked at River's face as he traced the glowing patterns in my arm.

"This is why I kept you from your brother," River said suddenly, and I frowned.

"Cyprus said you think he killed our parents," I said slowly, and the blue eyed vampire scoffed.

"No, I have no reason to believe that, the only reason we made you had no contact was because your blood is reacting to his." River told me and let go of my arm abruptly.

I gazed at my skin and licked my lips. "What, so now I'm actually experiencing the half dragon inside of me? What's the big deal? Do you not like that I'm not fully human?" I asked, eyes narrowed.

River shook his head and didn't answer me. Anger bubbled up in my chest. "River, what the hell!" I exclaimed and threw my hands into the air. "Why can't you just be honest with me?!"

The vampire grabbed the door handle and glanced over his shoulder at me. My heart skipped a beat as I waited, our eyes locked.

Then just like that he opened the door and shook his head. "We're leaving in the morning, I would say goodbye now,"

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as he walked out, closing the door. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and ground my teeth together.

Son of a bitch, I thought and threw the door open, stomping down the stairs, the cold night air leaving goosebumps on my skin.

When I went into the dining room, only Nicholas was there. "Where's my brother?" I asked, rubbing my arms.

Nicholas glanced up at me from where he sat at the table. "I don't know, I think last time I saw him he was enjoying a screaming match with Cross."

I nodded and slowly sat across from him, burning with curiosity. "Are you and my brother gay for each other?"

Nicholas froze and didn't move for a long time at my question, seeming shocked to the core. "Where on earth would you get that idea?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, my brother doesn't like girls, and you seemed close, so..." I trailed off, a flush coming to my cheeks at Nicholas's dumbfounded expression. "Sorry, I jump to conclusions a lot,"

Nicholas smiled at me. "It's fine, though, I will admit, it seems you get yourself into trouble with your assumptions."

I bit the inside of my cheek and gazed at the table, embarrassed.  "Raven, it's fine, I'm into a certain dragon, just not the large male kind."

Now it was me who froze, and I stared at him with wide green eyes. D-does he mean.... me? Or am I jumping to conclusions?

"R-right," I stuttered and placed my hands into my lap, cheeks hot.

"You should go to bed," Nicholas said suddenly and stood, placing a hand on my head. I looked at him through my lashes as he smiled affectionately at me. "I'm sure you'll be woken up early,"

I nodded and gazed away bashful. I'm such a hoe, how many men must I crush on at once? "O-okay," I mumbled.

Nicholas slowly took his hand off my head and I gazed at me. "I forgive you for kidnapping me, by the way," I told him.

Nicholas closed his eyes and smiled slightly. "Good to know, I forgive you too,"

I faltered. "For what?"

Nicholas winked, but didn't say anything. I watched mystified as he made his way out of the dining room.

This chapter is all over the place lol, sorry for the wait, I was getting over a nasty break up.

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