chapter 61

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I wake up and try to hug Ryujin. When I don't feel anyone next to me, I sit up right away. I look around the room and Ryujin is nowhere to be found.

"No no. This isn't real. Ryujin was here. She's alive. No. Please" I try to stand and I fall on my knees. This can't be true. Last night wasn't a dream. I swear she's here.

I close my eyes and scream. The pain in my heart is there again. I hear the door open and someone running in.

"Hey what's wrong?" I open my eyes and I see Ryujin.

I cry even louder. "Where were you?! I thought you being alive was a dream. I thought you were actually dead!" I weakly hit her.

"I'm sorry. I really had to pee. I waited for a while to see if you would wake up until I couldn't hold it anymore" she says while pulling me into her arms.

"I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me" she says soothingly.

"What's going on here?" I hear Karina ask.

"Yeji had a nightmare I died and she woke up while I was in the bathroom" Ryujin explains to her.

I calm down a bit now, knowing Ryujin is here.

"Are you going to be okay hanging out with my friends today?" Ryujin ask.

I nod my head. "Yes. I think I need the distraction."

"Are you sure?" My sister ask.

"Yes. I should get ready for the day" I try to stand up but I'm still feeling weak.

Ryujin help me stand up and we walk to the bathroom together. She help me get inside and I use the sink to support myself. She walks out when she notices that I can support myself.

I pee, wash my hands, brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm slowly getting my strength back so I'm able to walk out by myself when I finish.

When Ryujin sees me, she runs to me and help me sit at the table so we can eat breakfast.

"Are you feeling better?" She ask while helping me sit down.

"Yes. I'm better" I smile at her.

She prepares my plate, giving me a little bit of everything my sister and Travis cooked. "What do you want to drink? We got water, milk, orange juice, apple juice, coffee?" She ask.

"Water is fine" I say.

She gets me water and I say thank you. She sits down next to me then start cutting the pancakes and sausages that's on my plate.

I look at her weirdly, "What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm cutting up your food so you don't have to. I don't know how well you slept last night so you might not have a lot of energy" she says as she finishes up.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that though" I say.

"I want to" she smiles at me.

"This is too cheesy. I can't handle it. We're we like this when we first started dating?" Travis ask Karina.

"Sometimes I wish you're this cheesy" Karina starts eating her food and Travis shut up right away.

"What's the plan with your friends?" Travis ask.

"First thing, my mom wants to know if Eva could hang out with them for the day while you meet my friends, if that's okay with you?" She looks at me.

"That's okay. Can we see her though before we go to your friends?" I ask.

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