Chapter 48 - instincts

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- Third POV -

"This was a victory, Katara. Remember that. The Fire Nation is gone and this valley will be safe" Says Jet smugly.

"It will be safe, without you" Jet, Katara and Aang look up to see Sokka and Mizuki on Appa's back.

"Mizuki! Sokka!" Beams Katara, who's happy that they're safe.

"We warned the villagers of your plan, just in time" States Mizuki as she glares at Jet.

"What?!" Shouts Jet angrily.

"At first, they didn't believe us. The Fire Nation soldiers assumed we were spies. But one man vouched for me, the old man you attacked" Explains Sokka.

- flash back -

Jet and Sokka are in branches of the same tree. Jet cups his hands and makes a birdcall. Pipsqueak and Smellerbee reply with another birdcall. Sokka jams his jawbone knife into the trunk of the tree.

"What are you doing?" Asks Jet.

" amplifies vibrations" Whispers Sokka.

"Good trick" Replies Jet impressed. Sokka puts his ear to the handle of his knife.

"Nothing yet. Wait! Yes, someone's approaching" Whispers Sokka.

"How many?" Whispers Jet back.

"I think there's just one" Answers Sokka. Jet cups his hands and does another birdcall.

"Good work Sokka. Ready your weapon" Says Jet. Sokka takes his knife out of the tree. His eyes spot an old man.

"Wait, false alarm...he's just an old man" Warns Sokka. Jet ignores Sokka and prepares to attack the old man, leaping to the ground in front of the traveler. Sokka watches with horror.

"What are you doing in our woods, you leech?" Threatens Jet.

"Please sir, I'm just a traveler" Pleads the old Fire Nation civilian. Jet takes a step, and with one swipe he sends the man's cane flying from his hand. The old man backs away, but when he tries to flee the way he came, he runs into Pipsqueak's chest. The force of the impact knocks him to the ground.

"Do you like destroying towns? Do you like destroying families? Do you?" Snaps Jet.

"Oh, please let me go...have mercy" Begs the old man.

"Does the Fire Nation let people go? Does the Fire Nation have mercy?" Shouts Jet aggressively. Jet is about to kick the man, but his foot is snagged by Sokka's club before it can be delivevered.

"Jet, he's just an old man!" Exclaims Sokka.

"He's Fire Nation! Search him!" Says Jet in a hostile tone. Pipsqueak holds the prisoner and Smellerbee steps up to search the poor man.

"But he's not hurting anyone!" Complains Sokka.

"Have you forgotten that the Fire Nation killed your mother? Remember why you fight!" Argues Jet.

"We've got his stuff Jet" Says Smellerbee as she holds up the old man's bag. The old man is thrown back on the ground.

"This doesn't feel right" Sighs Sokka.

"It's what has to be done, now let's get outta here" Shrugs Jet as he pushes past Sokka. Pipsqueak and Smellerbee follow. Sokka looks at the old man who's still on his hands and knees in pity.

- end flashback -

"He urged them to trust me, and we got everyone out in time" Continues Sokka.

"You fools! We could've freed this valley!" Yells Jet annoyed.

"Who would be free? Everyone would be dead!" Says Mizuki while crossing her arms.

"You traitors!" Insults Jet.

"No, Jet. You became a traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people" Replies Sokka in a sorrowful tone, leaving Jet speechless.

"Katara. Please, help me" Asks Jet, who's still frozen to the tree.

"Goodbye Jet" Sighs Katara while she climbs onto Appa's back. Aang does the same.

"Yip yip" Says Sokka while he gives Appa's reigns a flick. Appa starts to ascend.

"We thought you guys were going to the dam. How come you went to the town instead?" Asks Aang curiously.

"Let me guess, your instincts told you" Mocks Katara.

"Hey! Sometimes they're right" Exclaims Sokka.

"Are you sure about that Sokka?'" Teases Mizuki.

"Yes I am!" Replies Sokka.

"Uhm...Sokka? You know we're going the wrong way, right?" Mentions Aang.

"And sometimes my instincts indeed are wrong" Says Sokka as he pulls Appa's reigns with a grin on his face.


The townsfolks are seen standing on high ground above the river. A little girl runs down to the water's edge as a doll floats by. She quickly picks it up. The doll has black hair and golden eyes.

"Miss Pretty!" Beams the girl happily while hugging her doll tightly. A woman who seems to be her mother smiles warmly at the girl.

"Thankyou, dualbender" Whispers the mother to herself as she hugs her daughter. If it wasn't for the dualbender and her friend, they would've been dead. Everyone in the town would've been dead. She would've lost her precious daughter.


Sokka can be heard grunting and fussing as he tries to finish setting up a tent. Katara walks towards the tent with a pile of wood in her arms.

"Uhm, aren't you forgetting the tarp?" Asks Katara.

"Right, got it" Replies Sokka as he tosses the wrapped up tarp inside the tent.

"Sokka, you're supposed to put the tarp on top of the tent. You know, so we don't get rained on" Points Katara out.

"Ordinarily, you would be right, but seeing how it's the dry season, you're not. Besides, that tarp makes a pretty warm blanket" Answers Sokka calmly.

"But what if it does rain?" Sighs Katara who's slightly annoyed.

"What if it doesn't? Then I would have put up the tarp for nothing" Exclaims Sokka while spreading his arms excessively.

"You're infuriating!" Complains Katara.

"Katara, why don't you worry about gathering firewood, because that kindling is looking pretty sorry" Mocks Sokka.

"Well, if you don't like my firewood" Answers Katara angrily as she throws the sticks at Sokka who quickly turns around to avoid getting hit in his face.

"Fine by me, if you're not gonna do your job" Scoffs Sokka as he tears the tent down. The two Water Tribe siblings stare angrily at each other with their arms folded.

"Hey, where's the campfire? And what happened to the tent?" Asks Aang as he approaches them. Mizuki follows him.

"Why don't you ask Miss Know-It-All, Queen of the twigs" Mocks Sokka.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're Mister Lazy Bum, King of the tents!" Shouts Katara as she throws a twig at Sokka. Aang and Mizuki chuckle upon seeing the siblings argue. Their argument was ridiculous.

"Okay, listen guys, harsh words won't solve problems, action will. Why don't you just switch jobs?" Suggests Aang.

"Sounds good" Replies Katara.

"Whatever" Sighs Sokka.

To be continued

Word count: 1055

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