Big Brother Damian

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Damian - 26

Marinette -21

Luka - 23

Damian was painting in his paint room listening to mozart in the background. He was at piece as he worked on his painting. When he was about to put the brush on the canvas when the door slammed open. Damian turned to see that it was his oldest half sister Marinette. He frowned when he saw that she had tears streaming down her features. Frowning he got up and made his way over to her. "Marinette what's wrong?" He asked as he pulled her in a hug.

"Luka's family forced us to break up. If we didn't they would have kicked Luka out with only the clothes on his backs." Marinette said before taking a deep breath. "A...and out of fear he pulled me a..aside and said he would pretend break up then we could to be together but in s...secret." Marinette said as she hugged Damian tightly, "But I couldn't do it so I b...broke up with him." Marinette said as Damian hugged her tightly as he felt his anger grow and plans for revenge on the ones who hurt his sister.

"I'm here for you." Damian said as he guided her out of the room his unfinished painting forgotten. Marinette nodded letting Damian guide her most likely to the kitchen where Alfred was and where Damian had always been able to calm her down.

In the following weeks Marinette phone went off all the time but Marinette never answered it. Damian though answer it but hung up once he heard it was Luka. When Marinette phone didn't go off for a week Marinette started to wonder what was happening when there was a knock at the door. Damian answered it to see it was Luka and he had his guitar. Damian went to slam the door closed when Luka put his hand on the door and his foot in the doorway.

"Wait! Please Damian, let me explain. After me and Marinette broke up I went and confronted my family. I proclaimed my love and stood up to them. I was scared because I didn't want to be a burden to Marinette and I didn't want to lose my family. Please let me make it up to Marinette please." Luka begged as he stared at Damian in the eyes. Emerald Jade meeting Minty Turquoise, one full of regret, desperation and love. While one held anger, protectiveness and skepticism.

"Fine, but if I see one tear or trace of hurt or saddness on Marinette face I will do more than just make you disappear." Damian said as he opened the door for Luka.

"Thank you Damian. And I wouldn't expect anything less from the older brother to the girl I am hopelessly in love."Luka said with a small smile. They went all the way to the living room where Marinette was drawing. When she saw Luka she deflated visibly. "Marinette please let me show you how I feel for you." Luka said quickly when Marinette started to stand up. But she froze while thinking over what Luka said.

"Fine." Was all she said as she sat down. Luka sighed in relief as he began to play his guitar. Shocking Marinette and Damian.

This is where the song starts so you can play the video up above.

As Luka played the guitar and sang to her she sat there in shock while listening to the lyrics. Marinette was touched by the song and could tell that Luka was singing from the heart. Luka eyes never left her eyes while he sang. Damian though glared at Luka not liking how he had hurt his little sister. He was secretly planning on how he would make Luka disappear and a few things he could use his guitar for. But one glance at Marinette made him sigh from doing any of that. Her eyes was shimmering with love as She continued to listen and watch Luka make music. She was in love with him still even after everything he had done to her. And he didn't want to be the one that r=truly broke her heart.

Luka soon finished singing. He reached out and took Marinette hand gingerly as his heart raced every second their eyes stayed connected. "Marinette I am truly sorry. I was a scared fool who didn't see the dazzling star who had chosen him. One who held such clarity like any musical note or meldy. You are my inspiration and my other half. But if you wish for me to leave and never to bother you ever again I will listen and leave. But I will wait for you. Because what I want most in this crazy world is your happiness." Luka said to Marinette in a soft tone his eyes conveying the love and affection he held for her. Marinette had unshed tears in her eyes as she looked down at Luka who was on his knees.

"I...I want to be with you Luka. No matter what I want to be with you." Marinette said as she pulled him towards her and into a hug. Damian watched the couple hug and frowned. He was happy for Marinette but he wanted to give Luka a little incentive that would convey on what would happen if he ever hurt his little sister like this ever again. But he would wait for when they weren't sharing a memorable moment. He didn't want to be the big brother that ruined everything for his little sister.

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