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Back then, there were no Empires that ruled over countless lands. No Emperors, No Empress.

There were only small kingdoms who ruled with both strife and good will.

Unfortunately more ruled with a black hole in their heart, greed swallowing logic and selfishness overcoming sympathy.

Wars raged throughout the lands, flames bursting from the ground as the people screamed for mercy. Blood decorated the green grass, the sun hid behind the clouds as mothers cried for their husbands in the battle field. Children hid in the basements, hoping to hide away from the explosions.

Descendants from each animal tribe seethe with rage, tearing away at each other's humanity in hopes to gain honor and recognition.

Warriors from each kingdom continue to bathe in both their enemy's and comrades blood, fighting through the fog of red with the thought of nothing but survival in their minds.

For years upon years, this went on like a loop in hell. Millions continued to die in honor, in sacrifice, and in vain. Important people were lost and insignificant lives were handed over like food on a silver platter until finally, victory in the East was achieved.

Among the thousands of dead bodies, both decaying and fresh, were wounds made from a specific animal tribe alone; The Panthers.

Claw marks were reported to have sliced their necks open and bite marks were evident on areas with ripped skin.

With their skill-born instinct on killing, they were quickly recognized throughout continents as creatures to be both feared and respected.

It wasn't long before the first Emperor and Empress were crowned and roles were established within the palace.

One of the roles given were 'sword of the Empire', and to no one's surprise, it was bestowed to the Leopard tribe.

Another gift given to them by the holy temple was "Vindication." A law that stated every member of the tribe is to be excused from the chains of the law for as long as they live.

Meaning, any and every crime they commit shall be justified and pardoned, no matter who and how many are affected.

The holy priest from then had claimed that the tribe was righteous and had good morals within their kind in order to bring assurance to the citizens. He'd also added it was the least he could do after they brought the land honor and victory.

It wasn't long until other kings from continents across the world came into an agreement and established "Vindication" into their country as well, noting the benefits it would bring when a warrior finds interest in a country.

In exchange for being granted this law, the leopard tribe has sworn loyalty to the royal families of the Eastern Empire, stating that they are to be the sword of the empire and the sheild of the royal family.

It was peaceful throughout the upcoming years, mere small conflicts uprising, only to be quickly solved by the royal family.

However, throughout the Millenia, more rebels rose, small conflicts were not longer small, more wars raged on once more, and more lives have lost.

In the process of a rebellion, the Leopard tribe lost it's honor in a attempt to protect the throne, and were wiped out entirely.

No records of how a once powerful tribe fell from grace no were there any reports of rebels having enough brute strength to murder one.

From then on the law of Vindication had completely disappeared from history.

That is until you appeared of course. You refused to speak when you were questioned about your survival, nor did you give them any ideas on how you ended up in a slave auction.

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