The Tunnel || .024

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           Ava took a heavy drink of the glass of rum that was in front of her. Her eyes wandered the table, looking from Nairobi to Tokyo. The women gave her a stare back with an amused smile. Ava was certain of one thing. The group lacked women. They were talking about plans. Plans of a better future if- for when they got out of the Mint with all of their money. 

           "And what about you?" Denver asked Ava, and everyone turned their attention towards her. "What would you do with the money?" Ava stared at him for a moment silently as the group around her watched her. She thought about it a lot, but everything she imagined was different than what Martin would want. Her eyes flickered to Berlin momentarily, but quickly she brought them back to Denver. 

          "I'd buy a really fucking big boat." Ava finally answered him. 

          "A boat?" Denver's laugh was contagious, so it caused a few others at the table to laugh. 

           "A boat." Ava nodded her head, a smile plastered on her lips. Martin was staring at her, confusion clouding his brain. They had talked about what they'd do with the money, but they never once discussed a boat. "Just imagine how romantic. Only people on the boat would be me and Martin." Martin seemed content when he heard his name, but Ava said it purposely. "And we'd never leave it." 

          "You'd get tired of seeing each other." Denver protested but Ava shook her head. Her brows furrowed. 

           "No, I don't think so." Her eyes flickered back to Berlin. He was staring at her hard. It was exactly what he wanted to hear, and she knew that. "I think it'd be romantic." Ava looked back at the group that was at the table with her. "I think you can love someone so much that the love would never get tired, even if they're around you constantly." Ava looked towards Moscow. "And what would you do with the money?" She asked him, leaning forward on her hands and watching him. He got a gleam in his eyes as he responded to her, talking about making an album. This caused everyone to chuckle, but he was being completely serious. Moscow was very loved in the group by everyone. Ava could see it in everyone's eyes. They looked at him with respect and dignity and it probably was because he was the oldest in the group. They looked at him as a father, even if he was no one's but Denver's. Denver stood beside his father; an arm wrapped around his shoulder as they sang a song loudly. Ava looked towards them, watching them with almost jealousy. They were there together, and as weird as it sounded, it seemed to be bringing them closer. Ava drunk the last bit of alcohol that was in her cup and then stood up from the table, singing along with the two other men. The others started to chime in and one by one, they were all singing and all dancing. Moments like that were the reason that they didn't give up on each other, even when they drove each other absolutely insane in the middle of a heist. 

        Ava smacked down with the pickaxe again and again, trying to get the gap completely open. Moscow was gone, and Phoenix's arm was completely done for. He couldn't even lift a glass with that hand. They needed out of there before someone else ended up dying. She wasn't going to lose anyone else. Ava stopped what she was doing, quieting Rio and Tokyo as well. She could hear the Professor on the other side. They shared a look with each other and for the first time all day, all three of them were hopeful. If they could hear him then he was close. "Professor?" Ava called out, leaning down so that she could hear him better if he spoke. The Professor didn't speak at first, but she could hear his laugh, and she felt warmth rush over her. 

      "I'm here." He finally called out back to them. Ava shared a look with Tokyo and Rio. She could see hope in both of their eyes. 

      "I'll tell Berlin it's almost time." Ava said. Tokyo nodded to her. She hurried back up the ladder and was met with Berlin immediately. He was standing at the top of the ladder. He seemed relieved when he saw Ava. "He's almost through." Berlin nodded slowly at her words. There was almost fear in his eyes, but Ava didn't comment on it. The last thing she wanted was to damage his ego, and she didn't blame him. "We need to stop the press and move the money quicker. We only have a few hours. It's best to get the most out as possible." This was the goal, after all. She wanted to get every single dollar out, but they were already passed her own goal. She was content with what they had. They would get more help when the Professor finally came through. Helsinki and Nairobi both walked into sight, and Ava shared the good news with them. Ava's head snapped towards the ladder when she heard someone on it. It was the Professor. She could feel tears in her eyes out of excitement and worry, but she wiped them away quickly. Berlin was the first to hug him, wrapping him in his arms tightly. They loved each other more than anyone in the group actually knew. There wasn't a thing that Andres wouldn't actually do to protect his younger brother. The Professor hugged Helsinki and then Nairobi, but he stopped in front of Ava. Ava offered him a smile at first, but she couldn't resist either. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, thanking him quietly. It wasn't over, but Ava's hope had shot up so high. She didn't realize that this would become one of the worst days of her life.

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