A Way Up

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"Look! That's the Jade Chamber!"

Paimon, Aether and (Y/N) stood on the top of Mt. Tianheng, looking at the castle in the sky. The great temple had a pretty yellow wooden roof and the bottom was a kind of floating rock. The morning light was pretty and the shadow of the building cast its shadow beside Liyue Harbor.

"Question is, how do we get up there?" Aether sweat dropped.

"Maybe a mechanism?" Paimon mused with a finger on her chin. "Paimon's supposed to be your guide, but Paimon don't know... how embarrassing."

"We should have asked Ganyu." the blonde boy sighed and looked at (Y/N). "Any idea how to get up?"

"Nope." she shook her head. Her (e/c) eye shone in the morning light, and her hair was gently swaying in the wind. Truly a pretty creature, she was.

"Maybe we can head to its location on the map?" Paimon asked.

"Hey, that makes sense, and you almost sounded smart saying that."

"Paimon's always smart!" the child chopped Aether in his head.

"Let us just go." (Y/N) sighed.

And the trip to find a way up started.

It started by searching all over the mountain, under the Jade Chamber. Then it was looking all over nearby. Finally, something was found after about ten minutes.

"Hey, what's this?" Aether pointed at some kind of thing that looked like a Wind Wheel Aster. It was green and looked similar to a four clover except it was more like a toy mechanism thing. It was placed right in front of the Jade Chamber and that detail led Paimon to believe it was the way up.

"Do something with it!" she encouraged Aether.

"I don't think that's a good idea... it kind of looks like a trap." Aether sweat dropped.

"You'll never know until you try!" Paimon pushed up him to the four clover toy.

"Ugh.... maybe not use my sword, that would damage it... um, pat it?" he patted the wind wheel and nothing happened. "Spinning around it?" nope. "Blowing on it?" then it happened. Aether blew Anemo on the mechanism, and a wind current appeared.

"Quick, glide it!" Paimon cheered and (Y/N) opened her glider, floating up with the current as Aether looked down right away. Thank god he was polite and decent to do that.

There were some forward currents a few meters away, so the red girl made her way to them, going fast towards the Jade Chamber before...

"What's she doing? She stopped using the glider?" Aether asked, but they got the answer soon as the girl turned around and shouted at them.

"It only takes me this far, but at least there is a chest here! Maybe this isn't the right way!" she opened said chest and looked inside it. "Nope! Nothing good!" she yelled again.

"Okay! You can come back now!" the flying food shouted back and waved, but with a slightly concerned look on her face. "Too bad..."

"We can go ask the Millelith how to get up." Aether suggested as (Y/N) landed beside the two travelers again.

"Good idea." she nodded, and then they headed towards the city Liyue Harbor.

"Paimon do't get it though..."

"The way up isn't a secret, then we wouldn't have been allowed to try getting up ourselves." Aether explained as (Y/N) nodded a little.

"Huh, look down there! We're close to the Guizhong Ballista!" Paimon pointed.

"Your point being?" Aether rolled his eyes. Maybe the child couldn't read the map?

"Paimon has a new idea! Let's go try it out!" she headed before the others before they could stop her.

"That girl!" (Y/N) gritted and hurried after her.

"Why don't we shoot you up using the Guizhong Ballista?" Paimon said as she floated towards the building.

"No." (Y/N) had catched up to the child and took her arm. "Too dangerous. Do you want to do it yourself?" she eyed Paimon.

"N-no, not really." she rubbed the back of her neck and soon she was laying comfortable in (Y/N)'s arms like a child. "Paimon likes this..." she sighed in pleasure.

"But the Guizhong Ballista had a scope, right? We could use it to see the way up."

"Not bad, approved idea." the red girl turned around towards the way the child just had been floating, and decided to not wait for Aether, as he came running to catch up to her as she still was a bit away from him.

And then they reached the Ballista, which was cramped with Millelith guards.

"Halt!" one shouted at them suspicious. "State your business and name." he said.

"We want to use the scope of the Ballista. I am Aether and That child is Paimon, this girl is (Y/N)." Aether introduced them all.

"Why so strict?" the flying food seemed to have awakened a bit in (Y/N)'s grasp. "We're invited guests!" then she thought of something. "Maybe this is Ningguang's plan, pretending to invite us to the Jade Chamber but plans to arrest us!"

"That's rather harsh Paimon." (Y/N) patted her younger's head.

"This is a trick, ain't it! Now Paimon's mad-" (Y/N) swiftly covered her mouth.

"I apologize for her rudeness, her manners aren't all that well." she bowed with her head.

"We are just trying to stand guard..." the Millelith guard sighed. "Seize them right away!" he ordered the group.

"Well, time to beat them?" Aether asked.

"Why is it always going towards violence! So stupid..." (Y/N) sighed, but as Aether drew his sword she too got ready to fight with her scythe.

They dashed towards the Millelith guards and (Y/N) did her oh-so famous spin cut, and Aether just tried to be as swift and fast as possible.

Within some time, three Millelith groups later, the fight was done and the three traveler stood as the clear winners.

"Stop! What's all this about?" A voice was heard from not too far away as the three faced the last Millelith guard, the one who wanted to seize them.

"Ah, finally a break in violence." (Y/N) sighed and turned to the addition to the people by the Guizhong Ballista.

Heyyy! I am back after some time!

I've really had a busy week, huh? No time to really write.... I'm happy I got this chapter done before a week though!

Who is the new one by the Ballista? Any guesses?

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,085 words, 3.1 pages (^人^)

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