Chapter 16

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I could faintly hear my name being called, but it sounded echoey and far away. I squeezed my eyes tighter and flexed my sore muscles, I felt something stir on my forehead, it felt wet and cold. Why was I sore and why do I have a wet and cold thing on my forehead? I reached my hand up to my eyes rubbing them and removing the mysterious object, I groaned in slight discomfort as the throbbing in my head became known to me.
"I think she's finally waking up." A familiar voice said, I felt a warm hand cup my cheek, the voice encouraging me to sit up, my body protested as I sat up in my bed my eyes adjusting to my dimly lit room. I held my hand to my pounding head and asked in a croaky voice for water and Advil. Once my cup was completely emptied I looked around my room to see a worried looking Michael, a tear stained face McKenna and a panicked looking Anthony.
"What happened?" I groaned out, my body was still rejecting every movement I make.
"You passed out at the restaurant." Michael said sitting down next to me on the bed. "We were all scared and worried when Anthony called us saying you were unconscious in his arms, we immediately came over and had a doctor look you over, you had low blood sugar and not enough oxygen was getting into your body." As Michael was explaining, the events of the evening were pouring back into my brain, Anthony's and I lovely evening Michael and McKenna went out and then the reason why I was sitting in this bed. I gripped Michael's forearm in a death grip as nausea and fear washed over me.
"Lynn what's the matter?" He asked, I felt Anthony take hold of my left hand giving me a curious, uneasy gaze. I looked over at Anthony giving him a blank stare then turning to Michael.
"He's back." My lips quivered as my worst fear escaped my mouth.
"He's back Michael. I saw him." I erupted into uncontrollable sobs, I buried my head into Michael's chest seeking comfort but he seemed dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what I was saying, I saw McKenna strolling over to me, she knew of my past and knew exactly what and who I was talking about, she wrapped me in her small embrace and held me close. Anthony was left confused, knowing nothing of my dark past and the reason for my lack of trust and anguish.
"You need to tell him Lynn, for his sake and yours." McKenna lightly spoke, I peaked over her shoulder to look at him, he wanted me to tell him and I knew I needed to. I walked over to him and grabbed one of his hands in both of mine setting them in my lap. I took a deep breath to prepare myself.
"When I was younger, still in high school I met a guy. He would always ask me on dates and try to bribe me to go with him using chocolate, money, charisma but I would always say no. One day he met me out in the parking lot of the school and made a big scene in front of people just to get me to say yes, and I did. After that he treated me like a princess always dropping me off at school showering me with surprise present and sending flowers to the school constantly. After I graduated I was sure that I loved him." I laughed bitterly at my own naïve attitude. " I moved in with him we got a place together while he went to school and I went to work, I was only just barley 18 and I saw us being happy and living a long and happy life together, but not soon after I moved in with him things took a sharp turn in the other direction. He began to drink, instead of coming home after school he would go to a bar and waste all the money I earned to pay off the bills, then he got physical with me, yelling and pushing me around when we got into arguments. But one night it went to far."
I was waiting for Scott to come home, I wanted to have a nice meal and talk like we used too, since he started drinking we never do that anymore, I was starting to feel lonely and sad but every time I would bring it up that we should go out he would get mad and yell, grabbing my arm and throwing me to the floor going off on a drunken rage about how we never have money and we can't afford to lose anymore, but today will be different. As if on cue I heard the rattling of the keys being jammed into the lock and Scott clumsily walked threw the door. I walked up to him, smelling the beer and other alcohol on his breath.
"Hello babe, how was your day?" I asked taking off his coat, he drunkly grumbled a response then walked to the kitchen and opened him another beer, he didn't even glimpse at the meal on the table. I watched him open the bottle and began to swig it down his throat.
"I made some dinner. I was hoping we could eat and talk like we used too." I told him hopefully all he did was give me a sideways glance and mumbled "Bitches will be bitches." Under his breath, with his beer in his hand he began walking towards the bedroom. I was full of anger and humiliation he completely brushed me off again and insulted me, I marched up to him and ripped the bottle from his hands throwing it to the floor, the glass shattering to the floor and the liquid spilling everywhere.
"I can't believe you! How dare you treat me with such disrespect. All you do is bully me anymore and drink well I'm tired of it." I screamed in his face and the anger that was evident in his eyes turned furious. He grabbed my wrist and harshly pushed my back against the wall, his beer breath fanning over my face and his grip tightening with every angry puff.
"You cannot talk to me like! You little slut." He then back handed me, I fell to the floor holding my cheek. After that it just got worse, he beat me more than he did before, usually I'd get a slap and a few punches in the stomach but he was kicking me while I was on the floor, blood was coming out of my nose and smearing on my cheek and with every kick that landed on my abdomen more blood was coming out of my mouth. I hurt and ached all over, I didn't know if I could even stand, but I knew he wasn't done I saw him pick up a shred of broken glass and stocked towards me, I couldn't do anything all my energy was drained, I watched helplessly as he ripped opened my shirt and cut a long "S" from the top of my left breast to the bottom of my right a permanent reminder of him, an ugly jagged scare. Then he took a step farther seeing my vulnerability he took his chance and took away the thing I was saving for my true love, something I felt proud to have held onto. He took my virtue, along with my dignity.
Everyone had tears in their eyes, mine cascaded down my cheeks as I relived the horrible memories I have tried so hard to bury only to have them effortlessly be removed from the ground. Anthony hugged me to his chest as we both cried together his tears was for the pain of my past my tears were for the pain of my future.

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