New Loves and Sad Goodbyes

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Bella's POV

My alarm blared into my ear startling me awake. It was 5:00 and I was leaving today at 6:00, but I was worried cause Brooke hadn't been sleeping well.
Her nightmares had stopped ages ago. Why were they coming back now? Had something happened? Was she not telling me something? I tried to think of something she might want to hide from me, but couldn't come up with anything.
Maybe i'm just being paranoid... I thought to myself.
I threw myself out of bed finally tired of being inside my own head. I quickly showered and got dressed ( A/N: Use your imagination, but remember its winter).
All my bags were already packed. It was strange, I had come with 2 suit cases and was now leaving with 3 because of things I had bought and of gifts that Kookie had brought me when we went for lunch. I hadn't expected him to tell me he liked me and that he was willing to date long distance, and in secret, if I wanted to. Of course  I said yes. I was beginning to feel what love felt like, and I was so happy I was getting to do it with Jungkook. Just thinking about our lunch together had my heart beating in my chest.

Lunch with Jk
I waited inside the small cafe that was just a block from Brooke's apartment. I was surprised to wake up to a text from Jungkook asking me if I wanted to have lunch.
By now the fact that he was a super star had already passed. Now he was just the sweet and loving Kookie who I had started falling for. And it wasn't for his fame or money, it was for his smile, his laugh, and the way he always tried to hide his struggles from others. I loved his blush and his voice, and I really couldn't get enough of him.

A tall handsome man in a black mask with a black duffle bag entered into the cafe, taking me from my thoughts. I knew from just his walk it was Kookie. I took a moment to check him out as he still hadn't noticed me.

He wore all black, making his features even more tempting. Especially his fitted shirt that outlined his muscles.
I was snapped out of my ogling by the waitress asking if the person I was waiting for had made it yet. I turned to see Jungkook walking towards me with a sly look in his eyes.

Oh God. Had he caught me staring.
A blush began to creep onto my cheeks.

Me: "Yes, he just got here, actually." I glanced at him as he slid into the booth across from me, setting down the bag next to him,

Jk: "Hello." The waiter looked at him, then looked at me.
"Wow, who knew two people could make all of us look like hobos just by being together." She muttered under her breath before taking our orders and leaving us alone.
My cheeks grew even more red after her comment.

I had chosen the most obscured corner in the cafe so that way Jungkook could take of his mask. Now I regretted it because I would have to endure his beautiful face and personality and my stuttering embarrassment for the next two hours.

Jk: "Hey, did you like what you see or was the wall behind me that interesting when I walked in?" He had definitely seen me staring.
He had taken of his mask so now I could see his famous smirk in all its glory. He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip waiting for me to answer his question.

Me: "Uhm.. I was just appreciating your outfit. It's very well done. Did you pick it out just cause or were you hoping to catch my attention?" I said in a teasing tone, all shyness having magically gone away.

Two can play at this game. I thought as it now became my turn to smirk.
Jk: "I-I was kinda hoping to catch your attention." He said, his smirk now turning into a shy smile as he looked down.
At hearing this I got shy too. I didn't know he was trying to impress me. I also couldn't help but find the way how he suddenly got so shy, endearing.

Everything he did just made me fall more for him. It was like I jumped into a bottomless pit, but I didn't want the feeling of falling to stop.

Present Time

I let my thoughts go as I went down stairs to find Brook already cooking me breakfast, fully dressed for work and ready to go.
What time did she wake up?
I set my last bag down next to the stairs, having already taken the others last night.
Me: "Good morning! What are you making?"

Brooke: "Morning. I'm making chocolate chip pancakes with a side of freshly cut fruits." She said setting down our plates and coming to sit with me.
She had asked work in advance if she could come in a little late and thankfully they said yes. She and the guys would be taking me and then the guys would drop her off and go to practice.
Ding dong
Brooke: " Must be the guys." She said getting up to go let them in.
I was wondering why she had made so much food.
I heard greetings being exchanged and waited as Brooke and the guys walked in.

Jungkook walked in first with a sad smile and came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on my head. I knew how he was feeling. I was going to miss him so much. I snuggled deeper into his hug. When I pulled away as I saw that everyone had entered and were staring at us with knowing looks and smiles.
No one said anything, they all just came, greeted me, sat and we ate, laughed, and talked together. I would miss them so much.

Me: "I'm going to miss you Gook." I said leaning into him.
Jk: "I'm gonna miss you too, bunny." I smiled at the nickname he had adopted for me.
Me: "Can you do me a favor?" I said with a worried look as we all began to clean up to leave.
Jk: "Yeah, what is it?"
Me: " Look out for Brooke for me, please."

He stepped back and saluted.
Jk: "I will from now on be Noona's loyal body guard." I smiled at his attempts to cheer me up.
Me: "Thanks Gook." I said as I went to hold his hand as we made our way to the van.
Jk: "Anything for you, bunny."

We loaded the bus and I fell asleep in the arms of my boyfriend as we started our 1 hour drive to the airport.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the super late update, but I'm trying my best. Love you all, and always remember to believe in yourself.

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