10: Will

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I watched as the Institute disappeared from behind us. I felt a pang go through me at the thought of leaving Tessa, and Cecily. We would all be okay though, it was only a few vampires.

Jace was driving the car, and Gabriel, Simon, and Alec were sitting in the back seat.

"This is an odd contraption." Gabriel said out of the blue. "What is it called again?"

"A car." Alec replied.

"How strange, how is it moving?" Gabriel asked.

"We'll save that for later." Jace said. "Anyways, Alec did we get all the weapons?"

"Yup. We have seraph blades, whips, and a few bows and arrows." Alec said.

"Good. Simon you were a vampire, how should we kill these things? I hate to admit it but I don't have much experience with killing vampires." Jace said.

"Wait, you were a vampire?" I asked Simon.

"Yeah." He replied causally.

"How did you become a shadowhunter then?" I asked bewildered.

That launched Simon into a long story, about Clary's father Valentine, and her brother Sebastian. Once in awhile Jace would add in his part, but it was clear he didn't like to talk about it.

"Woah." Gabriel and I said when Simon was finished telling his story.

"Yeah, it's quite the story." Simon said. "But to answer your question Jace, we just have to be smarter than the vampires. They are faster and stronger, but we can beat them if we're smart."

Jace didn't say anything, he was zoned out and staring out into the road.

"Jace?" Alec called and he snapped out of his trance.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked.

"Um yeah I'm fine." He mumbled.

About an hour later, we stopped at an inn- or a hotel, is what Jace had called it- for the night. As I laid in bed that night, I thought of Jem as I always did.

I missed him so dearly. It still left like my other half was missing, even after all these years. Jem had always been the better part of myself, when I couldn't find good in myself he was always there to find it for me. He had always been the one who put up with my madness, no matter how bad it was.

Then Tessa had come along, and I had felt like I didn't just have Jem anymore. I had Tessa too. I still remember when Tessa had told me that she was to marry Jem. I had felt my heart shatter. I shivered at the memory.

I then fell asleep, dreaming of Tessa and Jem.

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