Chapter Sixty Four

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 Kenzie ~

Lexi and Declan's wedding was a group effort and despite having to be put together in a rush, everything was coming together beautifully.

Natalie and James had taken control of the ceremony and reception, using every contact and favor they had with different vendors in order to pull the event together in such a short period of time. James and Lainey insisted on dipping into the funds they had received from their late father, wanting to replace painful memories with good ones. It took quite a bit of convincing on Declan's part, but he finally relented when he saw Lexi's eyes light up at the immaculate hotel ballroom.

James had secured two large presidential suites on opposite sides of the hotel for the bridesmaids and groomsmen to get ready. 

There was so much excitement in the air as everyone started to get dressed and ready for the event, but no one smiled as hard as Lexi. She was glowing from head to toe as they lounged around the large suite in their silk robes, waiting their turns to get their make up done.

Kenzie couldn't help but smile at Lexi's happiness that radiated around the entire room. She was the opposite of the bridezilla and wanted everyone to be calm, relaxed and happy.

"I ordered a big tray of lunch for everyone," Lexi said as they heard a knock on the door.

Sure enough a large tray of sandwiches, chips, and assorted fruit and cookies was wheeled in and placed on the table in the corner of the room for the women to devour while they finished getting ready.

Lexi happily picked out her favorite fruit and made herself a plate of nothing but fruit and cookies, taking a seat while the rest of the women filled their plates and gossiped.

"Did you hear about the Kincaid drama?" Lexi asked the group.

"About Grayson and Emma? Did he find out they hooked up?" Caroline asked before taking a big bite of her sandwich.

"No, he's still blissfully unaware of that fun fact. This is new drama." Lexi said with a mischievous grin as she gained the attention of every woman in the room.

"Well spill it then." Claire said impatiently, throwing a grape at Lexi.

"Turns out, Austin asked Emma to be his date tonight to mess with Gray." Lexi said with a laugh.

"He did not." Natalie said with wide eyes.

"Yep. But Kincaid found out and lost his shit."

"What did he do?" Lainey asked as she munched on some chips.

"Decked him right there in the office last night." Lexi said, covering her mouth as she said the word.

"He punched Austin? Now I'm kicking myself for leaving so early yesterday." Caroline snickered.

"Ditto." Lainey chuckled.

"Are they okay now? How the hell did Austin explain himself?" Kenzie asked, wondering if Hunter knew his men could possibly be on the brink of a fist fight at any moment today.

"Austin played it off as a joke on Kincaid, without revealing his real intention of getting under Grayson's skin."

"Idiot." Caroline said with an eye roll.

"How did Emma respond?" Claire asked.

"She turned him down because she already had a date. Called and asked Kincaid if Austin was upset which is how he found out."

"What a mess." Lainey said with a laugh.

"Poor Gray." Kenzie said with sincerity in her voice.

"Poor Austin." Claire cackled.

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