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"THAT IDIOT MIXED ABORTION PILLS IN HER FOOD??" You look at Farang dumbfoundedly as he nods in defeat.

"We've destroyed evidence of Koshar being the one to buy the drugs." He quickly adds, "I was questioned by her Majesty earlier. It's scary seeing her mad and even scarier because she and Lord Koshar look so much alike."

"It doesn't matter. The Emperor probably already figured out the situation and blamed Navier for it." You sigh, the idea of Navier being shamed by Sovieshu for the nth time.

It hasn't been a week already and yet Koshar has made a move. You'd be fine if it was something minor like spreading rumors about Rashta, but for him to try and get rid of the baby so she'd experience karma for calling Navier infertile was a bit much given how Sovieshu is so protective of the child.

"Be prepared for anything the Emperor might do. He's a mad man for that child."


These days, strange things have been happening.

Aside matters regarding the whore and the fool, mages have also been declining in the Eastern Empire

Although it isn't a huge decline, it would make an impact on the Empire's power in the future if our source of power continue to decline, even in small numbers.

According to the history books, such thing has never once happened in the past. So for it to only happen now only meant a Country is targeting our influence.

It's a terrifying thought, knowing if they were planning something this big, a war would ensue. Another century of wars wouldn't benefit anyone in this matter.

"Is Evalie here?"

The professor is quick to greet you before nodding, "She is in her usual room, though I can't say she's doing well." his voice sounds solemn as he talks about her.

You nod with a smile, "Thank you. I'll do my best to cheer her up."

As you've heard, she was one of the mages with depleting mana. Perhaps if you'd investigate properly, you'd find a source for the mana depletion.

Going up a few stairs and passing a few hallways, you open the door to her room, surprised to see still on the bed, curled up in her blankets.

"Hey there big girl." You greet her with a soft voice as you kneel down after closing the door behind you, earning a surprised flinch from her as she immediately stands from the bed and engulfs you in a tight hug.

"Big sis!" she greets half-heartedly, sighing into your shoulder with a tired look

"Is something wrong? You don't seem as cheerful today."

Pulling away from you, she shakily brings out a hand for you to take, most likely asking you to check for her mana.

You do, focusing an ample amount of energy to observe hers. You're shocked to feel that her mana has completely been sucked out.

You were told it was simple mana draining from the times she'd push herself too much, but in this case it almost seems like something or someone had forcefully sucked out her mana.

If it was mana draining, then there would be small traces left, however it wasn't the case with her

"hmm, is there someone in the academy who you feel like is always stealing things from you?" standing from your kneeling position, you continue to hold the girls hand as you check outside the window.

There are no children playing on the grounds, most of them probably in classrooms studying with teachers.

"No.." Evalie grumbles, wiping her tired eyes with her free hand.

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