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Y/n Pov:

We walked around separately. Grover and Thalia were searching on the right side of the Gym while Grayson, Annabeth and I searched the left side.

After looking over people's heads—and failing miserably—I asked Grayson to pick me up. Thankfully, he was one lifter on our school's cheerleading squad. He easily grabbed my waist and pulled me over his head. I looked everywhere, and my eyes widened in joy when I saw a very familiar bunch of messy black hair, but then I saw his face and realized that was not Percy. What I saw was Thalia and Grover, who were running our way. I signalled for Grayson to bring me down.

"I heard him," said Grover. "He was inside my head."

Grayson tilted his head in confusion. "What?"

I was about to ask the same when it hit me.

"The empathy link! Of course!" I said. "Is he alright?"

Grover shook his head.

"He said: 'Hey, Grover! Thorn's kidnapping us! He's a poisonous spike-throwing maniac! Help!'" recited Grover.

"Ah, merde," cussed Grayson.

"Language," scolded Annabeth.

"Français," he sassed.

Annabeth groaned in frustration. I high-fived Grayson.

"I taught you well," I praised.

"You really did."

"Could you concentrate?" demanded Thalia.

"Kinda hard to concentrate when you have ADHD," I mumbled.

"Shut up," she said. "Let's look for somewhere we can see where the di Angelos may have gone to."

I looked around. People came closer, and I grabbed Annabeth's hand for reassurance. It wasn't as warm as Percy's, and I didn't feel the same chilly, electrocuting feeling I usually did when holding his hand, but it was reassuring, and it helped. We swam through the sea of stinky teenage bodies and reached a corner. I glided my hand on the wall, finding my way through where I knew the di Angelos were before.

As soon as I found the place, I gasped. About fifty feet away, lying on the gym floor, was a floppy green cap just like the one Bianca di Angelo had been wearing. Near it were a few scattered trading cards. 

I turned around and showed Annabeth. She gasped and nodded, signalling we should walk over there. Grayson, who was holding her other hand, signalled Grover, who signalled Thalia. We walked over to the cap and picked it up. Grayson picked up the game cards. I looked around for a place where Dr Thorn may have taken the di Angelos without dragging much attention. I spotted a door, at the opposite end of the Gym, which looked just the place to escape.

"There," I told my friends, pointing at the door.

Thalia nodded and led us there. She walked swiftly, yet carefully. Grayson and Annabeth were still holding hands. I nudged Grover and pointed at my best friend and my roommate's interlocked hands. Grover sniggered and nodded at me to continue walking.

The door led into a dark hallway. I got out a small torch from my pocket and illuminated the way. We jogged down the corridor, but when we got to the other end, no one was there. Annabeth opened a door, and we found ourselves back in the main entry hall. I completely turned around. I didn't see Dr Thorn anywhere.

"He's not here," said Grayson.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," I snarled.

"Guys look!" Grover called. "There's a small alleyway. And I see light!"

𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 • 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘺 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now