Mirabel x Reader

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I waved goodbye to Camilo, him flashing his signature grin and waving back.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself. I turned around, looking around for Mirabel.

I lit up as she came into view, yet her back was towards me and she was walking away, her back more slumped than usual.

I felt worried, so I followed her. She arrived in a lake, me still tagging behind.

She sat down, sighing loudly. I slowly walked towards her, yet I froze as she began to talk.

"Do they think he's better? Will they be happier  with him?" She sighed, I felt my heart sink in.

I had always loved Mirabel the moment I laid eyes on her, she may not have had a gift, yet she brightened me.

Was she talking about someone else?

I turned my heel, taking a step back from where I came from.


I froze exactly where I stood, slowly looking down to see the broken branch I had stepped on.

I slowly turned my head behind me, seeing Mirabel now facing me, her eyes wide.

She stood up immediately, blabbering random nonsense and waving her hands everywhere. Her face was flushed as I stared, eyes wide and questioning what she was going on about.

She suddenly stopped, grinning nervously and shrugging at nothing in particular.

I grinned nervously, waving. She took a step forward, reaching a hand. "Did..did you listen to anything at all about what I just said.?" She questioned, I sighed, nodding.

She tensed, her face filling with nervousness and regret. "L-Listen! I do love you! But n-not that way! Yeah!" She quickly stammered, I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest, cheeks flushing.

I ran to her, embracing her. She froze, her breath hitching.

"I love you so much, Mirabel." I whispered, kissing her cheek. She widened her eyes, her cheeks filling with red tint.

She smiled widely, eagerly hugging me back just as tightly.

"I love you! I love you!" She repeated, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

I laughed, her joining in. She moved her face, ya making eye contact. I lifted a hand and got ahold of her cheek, stroking it softly.

My eyes filled with love, her smiling warmly and leaning to my touch.

I leaned, her following until the gap between our lips closed, warmth filling me.

I tucked one of her curls behind her ear, her smiling in the kiss and tilting her head, giving me more access.

After a few seconds, we pulled away, eyes opening to lock again.

"You truly are a miracle, Mirabel."

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