cheongsan x f!reader

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A/N: my app kept crashing during this 🙄 also this is very bad sorryy im horrible at dialogue

couldn't resist the ending 😩 spoilers if you haven't watched the whole show


it seemed as if everytime cheongsan could have his heroic moment with you, suhyeok just had to step in

the first time, there weren't zombies yet, they were playing outside and you had been reading a book near them, someone threw a ball in your direction when you weren't looking, cheongsan took this chance to protect you, but unfortunately, suhyeok had faster reflexes and managed to catch the ball

midair, right before it hit your face, you looked up startled, su suhyeok scolded the one (gyeongsu) who almost hit your face, you reassure him it's okay, not noticing cheongsan in the back, pouty all by himself, with onjo giggling at his reaction, knowing well about his huge crush on you

and then the next time, you had all been running from zombies, one grabbed onto your hand tightly, tight enough for you to scream in pain, cheongsan looked over and was about to run and kick down the zombie, but suhyeok had already gotten there, kicking down the zombie and checking your wrist, ensuring you were alright

cheongsan stared at your hands with jealousy, wanting to be the one holding your hand, making sure you were alright

and then again, suhyeok holding onto you, to make sure you don't fall when climbing the outside walls, cheongsan was burning with jealousy, but it's not like he could do anything about it

but finally, cheongsan got to be your hero for the first and last time

gwinam had grabbed you, as you were the closet to the window, holding you over the edge of the construction site by your neck

"cheongsan, cheongsan" gwinam clicks his tongue "come on now, you don't want your little girlfriend over here to die, right?" gwinam smirks, grabbing ahold of your arm, readying himself to bite it

"she's not apart of this, gwinam, let her go" chengsan begins "if i just...go to you, you'll let her go right?" gwinam shrugs

"we'll have to see when it happens, won't we?"

cheongsan rolls his eyes "ill walk to you, so let her go" cheongsan slowly walks to him, gwinam never once moving your body, but had moved his hand from your neck to allow you to breathe

at the last second, gwinam throws your body behind him (just pretend like there was more space lol)

grabbing cheongsan, everything goes as smooth you would expect, which is not at all, with gwinam biting cheongsan's arm

you stare in horror from behind them, cheongsan's pained screams filling your ears

everything happens so fast, gwinam being thrown off the building, you weren't sure what happened, you had spaced out some

but cheongsan turns towards you, even as the others run to him worried, he grabs your hand, placing his nametag in your hand

"hold onto this, yeah? and ill hold onto yours" he smiles gently, you rush to give him yours

before he can walk off, your grab his neck, kissing him sweetly, pulling away shortly after

he smiles at you "i finally got to be your hero, don't forget me, okay?" he gently shoves you to suhyeok "protect her like you always have" he jumps out the window

you cry in suhyeok's arms caging you, faintly hearing onjo call after him

your sobs only grow louder ad you hear him shout

"today, i am the happiest guy in this school!"


A/N: i hate myself for this 😭 teared up a little ngl
ok but this scene in the show had me BALLING when he said that last line i sobbed so loud i woke up my cat whos a extremely heavy sleeper and he looked at me like i was crazy 💀

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