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January 20. 2019


"HOW LONG IS this gone last" Saint asked her therapist with a bored looked presented on her face. She was ready for the lady to go, but didn't wanna be rude and tell her to leave.

Only reason she agreed to see a therapist was because of Kentrell, A'Monte, and Amelia. She was only doing this to make them happy since they were so concerned about her mental health.

"This is gone lost however long it has too if you don't talk to me Saint" Ms.Alinda sighed. "It's been almost two weeks and we haven't made any progress."

"I don't wanna talk about it? I thought i told you that?"

"If you don't talk about it and tell me how you feel then you won't get any better. If you want me out of your face every other day, than you have to stay talking sweetie."

"Ok" Saint gave in sitting up straight on the couch.

"Let's start with venting, tell me what's on your mind" Ms.Alinda opened her folder grabbing her pen that was hanging from her shirt.

clearing her throat, Saint looked down playing with her fingers before speaking.

"I feel Useless, Ashamed, Hurt, lost, and more. " she spoke above a whisper as tears fell from her eyes.

"Why is that? Why do you feel all of that, can you explain?"

"I can't give my significant other something that he wants, something for us to have as a whole. I'm ashamed that he would leave me for it. I'm hurt because i could've had a little baby growing inside of me, and i can't have kids at all. I'm so lost, i feel sorry for myself and i don't know what to do. I have voices in the back of my head saying negative ass things. i blame myself for it all" She cried shaking her head. "I'm sorry".

"Don't apologize for how you're feeling Saint, Im glad that you're talking and expressing yourself. Kentrell did tell me you're not used that that, is that true?"

"Yes" Saint grabbed the napkin out her hands wiping her face.

"Did you ever get on medication for the voices and depression?" She asked and saint nod again.

"Yes, I now have Schizoaffective disorder along with severe depression" Saint confessed. "I'm not crazy or anything but i take medicine and was diagnosed because of the hallucinations, that's all"

"I wouldn't of think you were crazy anyways! Stop talking down on yourself Love. "

"I just wanna be the old Saint again, The one i was before all of this happened. I feel like i'm scarred for life and i don't like this, This ain't me Ms.Alinda, This isn't the Saint Joyner everyone knows" her voice cracked.

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