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I woke up in a hard bed. Rubbing my eyes I looked around. it was dark and the room was familiar but it wasn't my room. It looked like the Infirmary Mr. Crowley took me to but it was really dark now. I yawned and blinked. How long did I sleep? looking around I saw flowers by my bed and a stuffed animals. I saw a puppy with cute little spots on it and picked it up hugging. looking around Master Crewel was asleep in a chair by my bed. his face looked swollen like he had been crying. 

I knelt on the bed and touched his face. Why was Master Crewel here? did he fall asleep waiting for me to wake up? I'm sorry Master Crewel. I don't know why I was to tired. when I touched his face his nose scrunched and he blinked before blinking really fast.

"P-puppy? your awake!" he sat up. I almost fell but he caught me and pulled me to him hugging me.

"Hold on we need to get you back to bed. puppy we were so worried. how do you feel? does anything hurt?" I made a face cause I was confused. I just took a little nap I wasn't hurt. Shaking my head he looked at me funny.

"w-what time is it?" I asked. It was just so dark out. He looked at the clock and sighed.

"It's about 5am. I think it will be ok to wake the nurse. are you still tired?" Shaking my head he nodded and pulled out a block like Alex used to use alot. I think Cater had one to but his had a lot of stuff on it. after a moment he put his block away in his jacket and hugged me again.

"what do you remember pup?" I thought for a moment. 

"I remember Riddle getting really upset at the duel. he got so mad he went all dark and scary. I hide and tried to help but then...." I felt like I shouldn't tell Master Crewel the part where Riddle and me were alone. He doesn't like me talking to strangers alone.

"then I woke up and Deuce was crying. Riddle woke up and I was really tired so I said night and fell asleep" Master Crewel made a sad face as he touched my face.

"puppy you got hurt...very badly.  we almost lost you. do you know what that means?" I made a sad face. cause I did know what that meant. Foster mommy Joanna lost Jackson... and then she got sad. Lost was when someone passed away. when someone dies. 

"b-but I felt fine. I was just tired" I told Master Crewel. he nodded and rocked me.

"sometimes... when people get tired after something scary like that. it is because they are hurt. you were hurt" I hugged Master Crewel cause I didn't mean to get hurt. he rubbed my back.

"you're ok now though. We all made sure you were ok." I looked up at him.

"is Riddle ok? he was hurting a lot!" Master Crewel looked confused for a moment.

"yes Riddle is alright. he is on magical rest for the time being but he will be ok. he only spent a a few days in the infirmary" i looked around but i couldn't see him.

"but then where is he?" Master Crewel signed.

"puppy...Riddle only spent a few days here...but you well... you spent a week. we were all very worried you-" he stopped talking before hugging my tighter. I heard a sad sound from Master Crewel. like it was hard for him to breath. I hugged him around the neck and didn't let go. 

the Infirmary door opened and Mr. Trien rushed in with Mr. Vargas and Mr. Crowley they all came in still in their pajamas.

"Yuu..." Mr. Crowley was crying he rushed over.

"are they ok Divus? should they be up like this?" Master Crewel narrowed his eyes at Mr. Crowley but didn't let me go.

"they're ok. I do think they should eat something and have something to drink truth be told. I was just explaining how long they have been asleep" he said looking down at me sad. I didn't let go. please don't go. I'm sorry.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now