Patches and bolts part 2 (end)

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"William!!" Henry sung, entering the garage.
The animatronic rabbit sat limp against the wall. Henry tilted his head and walked up to springtrap unable to comprehend why he wasn't active. Normally springy would be crying for attention. Fear coursed his body, had his old pal, died? Did he mess up and should've brought him inside of the house? He hesitated but touched the animatronics face lifting the snout up. Peering inside where he should've seen williams face, and that what he saw. He heard a noise coming from the corpse. He couldn't quiet make out what it was, it was too quite. Wait.
Was he snoring? Henry sighed relieved and let go of the snout. He chuckled realising he was overreacting, now would be a great time to work on the animatronic.

Henry looked at the metal and fabrics he had brought in yesterday, it should match lovingly with the animatronic before him, while he might look like a patch work doll it was still worth it just to make him a little nicer to stare at. Henry was surprised he hadn't vomited from the stench, but he knew he was used to it. He shivered just thinking about that day.. back in 1983, two months after [redacted]s death. The animatronics for Freddy fazbears pizza joint was causing complains about smells of dead animals or rotting meat. He opened chicas mouth. Henry cringed and shook his head working on springtrap and fixing up the holes in the body.

He fixed up the body in no time, having experience with fixing animatronics that children have damaged, this was no task. He moved to the head and looked at the hole in the middle of the snout. Metal showing out like bones. And the fleshy inside. He didn't understand how this could happen to someone, William had once survived the spring lock suit but this time he did not. He wondered what made this different, after circus baby's pizza theatre shut down William disappeared completely. And now he was here at the freak show attraction of a pizzeria. He began patching the snout, being as careful as he could with each stitch.
The animatronic groaned and Henry jumped back dropping his tools. Springtraps eyes opened, clicking and jolting, they eyed down the terrified henry, a couple more blinks later springtrap looked down at himself, seeing himself patched up, well nearly patched up.

("ThEy CaLl mE tHe MiDniGht bArbEr, I sNeAk In AnD dO uR haIR" I apologise to the people who don't get this reference)

"Worked on me while I'm asleep eh? Didn't take you as such a person." Springtrap purred. Henry's face went red as he grabbed his tools.
"It's easier than you squirming and screaming!" Henry tried to make himself look taller as he pointed a wrench at the animatronic.
"Tch." Springtrap stood up and looked himself over, the cotton tail wagged. And Henry giggled. Springtrap looked at him.
"What's funny?" Springtrap asked. Henry pointed at the tail.
"The tail wags when your excited."
The animatronics ears pointed straight up as he sat right back down as if he was covering himself.
"Well anyway I have to work on your face before your good and new." Henry walked back up to Springtrap proceeding to finish the rest of him up.

I apologise for the short chapter, hope you enjoyed tho.

I apologise for the short chapter, hope you enjoyed tho

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Here's a shit doodle of springtrap I did.

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