Fantasy Land

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I live in a world
Where everything is dystopian
Futuristic teen novels
Are close enough to wear thin
I wish I lived in a land
Where dragons hovered
Mermaids sang
And faeries were discovered
Can't there be a place
Where people ride on broomsticks
Princesses kill the villain
And unicorns hum acoustics
People walk barefoot
Galavanting through the woods
The air is crystalline
And animals are understood
Instead I live in a world
Where these are only dreams
The truth is always covered
The world full of schemes
Instead I live in a land
Where smoke hovers
Car engines sing
Hope is left undiscovered
Here is a place
Where people are beat with broomsticks
Princesses can't leave the bedroom
I am left to sing the acoustics
It's no longer a choice to walk barefoot
There's nothing left of the woods
The only thing is the word of crystalline
Not even humans are understood
The dead smoke out our souls
We give them freely
For what is left
If we stand unwillingly
Instead we sell our homes
Or an only child
For a last time cigarette
Our minds broken and wild

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