Chapter 30: Three?!

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" Three weeks?! Three?!" I shrieked," Zayana, I need you to calm down. Everything's fine." I was so mad," I can't have been asleep for three weeks! That's not humanly, er, mermaidly possible!" " Technically it is if you did it." I stopped my rampage and looked at Kylie." You don't understand, something bad is going to happen." " I do though, Kai explained everything to me." I slowly turned toward Kai in his hospital bed," What?" Kai looked at me with an understanding look. I understood immediately. He hadn't told my inhuman secret. If you get what I'm saying. I started pacing when Kylie spoke," Yeah and while we were waiting for you to wake up these merpeople came to see if you were okay. You make friends everywhere don't you?" I stopped pacing. Visitors? " Who's been visiting us?" I asked. Kylie shook her head," You. Whose been visiting you." I sat down irritated at myself and Kylie and rested my head in my hands." Who was it, Kylie?" " Umm, Oceana, Isle, Island, and this boy with his face always covered and in purple clothing, then there was one in green clothing, and one in dark blue clothing. They all visit once a week." I lifted my head from my hands," Wait, what?" " The boys in the clothing. Green, purple, and blue." I jumped to my tail," Kylie! That's the colors of . . . " Kai noticed what I was talking about," Ghost, Leviathan, and Agua. They've been checking on you?" I could tell he was growing angry. Kylie intervened," And on you. Once." She said to Kai," But there always asking about you, asking if your going to be okay." She said turning her attention back to me," And one of them asked if you were single." Kai clenched his fists." Kai, calm down, its not that big a deal. Okay, I have a plan, but I'm going to need everyone to come here now. Kylie, what day do they visit?" It's like Kylie was waiting for me to ask this question," Every Tuesday, and todays Monday. What's your plan?" While I was explaining Kylie pulled out her phone," One question, Kylie where can you get phones?" Kylie looked up from her phone then tilted her head up thinking." Probably on Weed street, I have a friend who could bring you one for free, you want it proper right?" I nodded," What case?" I think for a second," A crown, like the one Prince Aguas going to get soon." She nodded," It'll be here soon." I sat down on the edge of Kai's bed," I'm getting a snack you guys want one?" Kylie asked I shook my head along with Kai. As soon as Kylie left the room Kai sat up," She hates it when I move." We both chuckle," Zayana, you need to promise you won't do anything dangerous," he takes my hand," And you need to promise you won't push too hard with that arm." I retort," But I promise I won't do anything too dangerous." There's a moment of silence." Kai, do you think if we're royalty we probably have special powers?" His eyes brightened," Why would you ask?" I paused," Well remember when we went to Old Woman Kelpiana? When you went inside I wanted to hear you and suddenly, I could." Kai's eyes opened," You . . . you have it." " I have what?" Kai straightened like he was about to tell me a huge story of the past. " A longtime ago kings and queens from all the kingdoms went on a monumental journey to the Bermuda Triangle because deep deep down there is the most magical crystal inside. Many had ventured but no one had succeeded. And our ancestors made it, they were amazing, legends. Heroes of everywhere." Kai's chest swelled with pride as he told the story, he was proud of what our ancestors had done. Me, I didn't feel anything. I had never known my grandparents. It's not that I didn't care but I didn't know. Kai continued,"The crystal had the ability to heal anything. The kingdoms got a good chip of the crystal and shared it among each other to benefit their respective places. Of course with such immense power comes some threat, so to protect it the kings and queens blended the crystal into a smoothie of all things! They drank it and told everyone the crystal had disappeared. But the power of the magic was so extraordinarily powerful it's become a part of being in royal families. There is power in the DNA, the sciences of it are complicated but wonderful." Kai scratched his chin thinking and I smiled. "Didn't know you were such a nerd," I commented. Kai glared but continued. "The people who murdered my parents . . . that's what they were after. They probably thought they could steal the crystals from them." Kai stiffened,"People still think that the royal families lied and kept the crystal for themselves. Which is true, but not the whole of it." I nodded. Most of the story I had been able to follow along with. "What else do you think we'd be able to do with our powers?" Kai shrugged,"I don't know, but I like the way I am so I don't really care." We sat in silence for a moment." What's this war everyone goes on about?" I asked carefully. This would probably be a sensitive subject for Kai. I didn't want to sound like I didn't care but I didn't want to sound like I understood anything about it when I really didn't. He looked down at his hands,"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I understand that that could be a sensitive subject," I said quietly. "No, it's okay." He took a deep breath." You know how on maps the Pacific Ocean is in two spots?" I nodded," It's like that for a few others too." Kai looked at me blankly until I realized he wanted me to answer,"Oh." "Anyway there was a bloody war to get that territory. Two oceans fought violently to get it. It was my parent's kingdom." Kai looked solemnly out the window. " I apologize, I shouldn't have mentioned it." Kai slowly brought his eyes back to me,"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault adults don't know how to work out their problems by talking. They think violence is the solution to everything. By killing merpeople what do you win?" It was my turn to stare solemnly out the window. Kai would be a good king one day. I stared at my hands and things started coming to me. Things about mermaids. "How can we sweat?" "Well-" I interrupted,"And how are we able to use water for things? Like drinking it and using it to brush our teeth? Also why can't anyone see the kingdom it's as noticeable as a sea monster raging in the countryside." Kai laughed,"Great questions that I have all the answers to. Before the big quest when the humans and merpeople were at war there was a woman, of your descent actually. The story goes that we were losing the war but she had an idea that she announced to the queen. The queen was old and couldn't do much so she passed her powers to the woman, the woman used her powers to give everyone for the mermaids the ability to breathe underwater. But to do that we all needed a," Kai searched for the right word," a bubble around us." "A bubble?" I asked, Kai nodded," A bubble. The bubble around all of us would give us the abilities of a normal person. To sweat, stay above the ground, and drink things. In the end the queen fell asleep forever from the lack of power in her and the woman became queen of our part of the ocean. It's why we live the way we do," Kai finished. "Wow, that's a lot of information to take in." I said, Kai waved it off," When you prove yourself queen they'll give you lessons about everything beginning with what the kindergartners learn." I nodded. If I proved myself queen. I might not even want to be queen. I liked my life the way it was before, minus not having my parents, what if I didn't claim the throne mine? But I didn't say all that.
    Another question came to mind," Why didn't you just tell Kylie and Rylie from the start that you weren't related to them?" He thought," Some things just don't need to be said," I looked down,"But some things do need to be said sometime, right?" He nodded," Definitely, but I'll tell them after you save the ocean and all the pressures off of everyone's shoulders." We both grinned,"After we save the ocean. And when we punish Agua, and I take back what's rightfully mine. Do you think I'll be able to meet my mom?" Kai looked up from the fumbling he was doing with his hands,"I don't know Zayana. She might not . . . she might not be alive." " I know, I probably shouldn't count on it." I glance down," Thank you for what you've done, you know helping me." Kai gently smiled,"Yeah, of course, I just wanted to ask-" Kylie swam in with Oceana, Atlantic, Isle, Island, and Rylie, the whole crew. I looked at Kai and gave a weak smile, hoping he knew I meant we could talk later. "Okay guys this is the plan. Listen carefully and know your parts. First things first . . . " and we came up with our game plan. I just hoped that it would work.

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