twenty two.

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my eyes cracked open as i took in the darkness surrounding me. i lifted my head up from the ground and realized taylor wasn't in the room with us. my phone buzzed next to me and i was able to see the time. 3:15am.

i groaned and shifted my body to stand up. my head felt super heavy but i would manage. i made my way over to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. getting ready to head back to the living room, i stopped in my tracks and heard low groaning and someone puking.

she's throwing up. i thought to myself. i turned around to grab another water bottle and lightly knocked on the white wooden door. " my love? "

" hm? " she hummed before i heard more throwing up. i walked into the bathroom to see taylor sitting on the floor, leaning her head against the toilet. " i'm okay now. "

i stifled a chuckle. " how long have you been in here?"

" um— probably 30 minutes. " she answered, sending me a small smile. her hair was pulled into a ponytail, her eyes were still red and low and her forehead was glistened with sweat but she still looked absolutely beautiful.

the girl managed to stand up and began brushing her teeth. " how are you feeling? " she asked me.

" i'm alright. my heads heavy but it's no big deal. " i answered back, leaning my head to the side a bit. i just stood there admiring the girl in front of me.

" should i head back to my dorm, or should i just say fuck it and sleep here tonight? " taylor asked me, done brushing her teeth.

" uh well, " i glanced at my phone quickly. " considering it's almost 3:30am, you'd be better off sleeping here. so fuck it. "

i walked towards taylor and wrapped my arms around her. she rested her head on my chest as i laid my chin on the top of her head, smiling to myself. we pulled away and i placed a quick kiss to her lips.

we walked out the bathroom hand in hand and quickly made our way up the stairs, and into my room. i quietly closed my door and walked over to my bed.

" can i borrow a shirt? " taylor asked me, rubbing her eyes.

" yeah, of course. " i say getting into the bed. " you say borrow like your going to give me that shirt back."

she giggled. " you'll never get your shirts back finnie. come on be smarter than that. "

my room was dark. the only light there was, was coming from the window. taylor had her back towards me as she took off her shirt. the moonlight glowed against her skin and i was able to make out her curves. my heart bloomed with love, i clutched the blanket tightly and smiled to myself.

" i can feel you looking at me. " taylor spoke as she climbed into my bed.

" i can't admire my beautiful girlfriend? " i replied.

" now i didn't say that. " she giggled, her warm lips kissed my cheek as she got comfortable. i rested my head against the pillow and wrapped my arms over the smaller girl.

" goodnight finnie. " taylor whispered, kissing my hand.

" goodnight my love. " i answered back, falling into a deep sleep.

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