18 - The New Life

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We arrive in Manhattan and the jet comes to a halt on the landing pad of one of the tallest towers in the area. As the team exit, a woman in a black and grey dress walks over to Tony.

"The labs all set up, boss." She says.

"Oh, actually, he's the boss," Tony points to Steve, "I just pay for everything, design everything and make everyone look cooler."

"Laurie this is Agent Maria Hill," Steve informs as she walks over to us, "Hill this is Laurie Emerson."

"Nice to meet you." I shake her hand as she smiles in response.

"NATOs got Strucker." She hands a pad to Steve.

"And the enhanced?" Steve asks.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, twins."

"I know them." I announce, catching up to them.

"What?" Hill questions.

"They found me when I was in Sokovia and kept me out of Hydra's way," I say, "although, they are with Hydra."

"Their abilities?" Steve asks.

"Pietro's got increased metabolism and thermal homeostasis," I begin, "Wanda has neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation." Steve gives Hill and I a confused look.

"He's fast and she's weird." Hill smiles.

"Simple way to put it." I chuckle as Steve and I enter the elevator.

"How are you still alive and... young?" He asks as the door closes.

"During a S.S.R. mission in 1946, I was captured by Hydra, more specifically the Winter Soldier, and so I was an Agent for them until 2013, when I was presumed dead on a mission, found by the Maximoff twins and lived in Sokovia for a year."

"Hydra's mostly out of action now," Steve sighs, "and we found who the Winter Soldier is."

"Oh yeah?"

"Our old mate, Bucky." He sighs.

"Wait? Like James Buchanan Barnes 'Bucky?'" I question, slightly startled.


"Bucky's alive?" I raise my voice a little, "I thought he died."

"So did I." Steve sighs again as the elevator dings and the doors slide open.

"I'm loving the outfit, by the way." I laugh as we exit.

While Clint as the rest of the team are up in the lab, Steve takes me over to one of the corridors and enters a room, coming out a few minutes after with a blue button up shirt and black jeans.

"Here," he hands them to me, "they're more your style and I don't wear them anyway."

"Thanks." I nod.

I change out of my old clothes and into the new ones, then join the rest of the group again.

"How is he not dead?" I laugh, leaning over to Nat.

"Nice to see you looking like a normal citizen, Laurie." She responds.


A few days later, Tony throws a party for (what I presume is) the end to Hydra. Steve warned me about the mass gathering of people but I didn't care too much. I slipped into a suit and replaced the jacket with a black waist coat. I had borrowed some of Steve's clothes for the first day or two, until Nat took me out to get some of my own clothes. I keep my style very close to the 1940s style as it provides familiarity and it's comfortable.

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