I - moving

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TW: strong language, slight NSFW, suicide, death

This is an Enemies to lovers story


The dashes ( - ) indicates time skips

-Y/N's POV-

I woke up to sounds of people shouting.

" y/n! Come down stairs we need to talk! "

I yawned and frowned. Still the urge to sleep and never wake up again.

" coming mom / mamá! "   ( whatever u prefer ) I said with a still sleepy tone and a yawn.

Walking down stairs was hell. My back hurt while walking. probably because I hanged on the other side of the bed — but that's another story.

I yawned in frustration.

"  Yes? "  I saw everything packed.

"  Really? Moving? Again?! "

"  Oh c'mon dear, isn't moving okay? Your father decided it- " before my mother could keep up with her sentence — I raged.

"  What?!! No mom! I love this house and I love this village! "  I couldn't hear myself. — I didn't know what I was saying.

Everything went quiet.

For a solid 10 seconds of silence, a peck of noise was finally heard. "  No y/n. We are moving to Encanto! A beautiful village your father has read about! I heard there's a family there with ' powers ' or what people called — ' gifts '. "

"  Powers? pfft- as if that's real. " I grumbled under my breath.

"  Read this book if u wanna know about their ' gifts '! "  my mother says while placing a book on my hand.

"  o-okay?. . . "  I stuttered


As I was reading the book, I memorized them all.

Specifically indicating:
Julieta, who can heal u with food she makes.
Bruno- well, nothing really on the page.
Pepa, who controls the weather based on her mood.
Isabela, who can make- flowers?

Pfft- I laugh.

" How's that gonna work? BAHHAHA- "

I closed the book cause it was boring and I despised reading

People with real magic tricks can't be real. Right?. . .

" Gosh " I said, " My parents believe this? Ha, bet it ain't real "

" Maybe it is. . . " I said to myself

" No-! Magic isn't real, you were already taught that y/n! "

I heard my mom yelling.

" y/n take a shower later it's time to go! "

God dang it, my own mom even believes it?! What the fuck.



Hello there! Sorry if there was any mistakes. English isn't my first language so please correct me if there was! ^^

Also, sorry if u read books, this character was kinda based of off me since it's my first time writing :')

I'm still working on chapter 2! so requests are always helpful!
- Author

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