Chapter 4 - Thy Soul Instructed

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Morgan was clawing at her cell door. Alec and Marley were watching her from behind the glass. "Sarah. I need to get to Sarah."

"Whatever dark force you are, we will release you to your realm unharmed. Just tell us who helped possess this mundane." Alec remained calm.

"Take me to Sarah!" Morgan screamed.

"Who is the Owl demon?" Marley asked to her.

Morgan leaped against the glass, screaming. "Sarah!"

"That's not answer." Marley face palmed.

Just then, Izzy entered the basement. "Any luck?"

"No." Marley sighed.

"There's no breaking through." Alec added. "What do you got?"

"Sarah's her twin sister." Izzy glanced at Morgan. "They share an apartment in Queens. If the Owl's MO is consistent with his previous victims, Morgan is being driven to kill someone she loves."

Alec looked back at Morgan. "It's the 11th mundane this week who's become possessed." He sighed.

"The Owl is busy and unique." Izzy sighed. "In a typical possession, the body cells wouldn't be affected."

"But Morgan's are?" Marley asked to her.

"Her cells are no longer mundane." Izzy replied to her. "They're demonic."

"So there's no way we can save her?" Alec asked her, this time. Izzy didn't reply to him.


Clary knocked on Alec's door and entered. Alec was sitting at his desk, Marley sat across from him, reading a book. "I got your alert. Another Owl attack?"

"No." Alec replied to her. "Blood unit hit downtown. Most likely a rogue vampire. I want you on this with Jace."

"How about Izzy?" Clary asked to him.

Alec leaned back in his chair. "Well, why not Jace?"

Clary approached Alec's desk. "He's exhausted. He's been hunting the Owl 24/7. He hasn't slept." Marley looked concerned at her.

"Are you sure this is about sleep? Alec leaned in at bit. "When you and Jace were at Lake Lyn, my parabatai rune disappeared. There's a reason for that. What was it?"

"I told you." Clary replied, looking down for a bit. "I don't know."

Alec sighed. "Look..." He stood up. "I know how much you care about Jace, how much you would do to protect him, and I appreciate that. But if there is something wrong with Jace, something serious, you'd tell me about it, right?"

"Izzy and I can handle a rogue vamp." Clary replied to him as then she exited.


Later, Alec was staring out the window. Marley approached him, drinks in hand. "You haven't had anything to eat or drink all day. Do I need to force-feed you?" Marley held up the drink, despite she couldn't drink herself. Alec shook his head and held off the drink.

"No." Alec sighed. "Look, Jace is my parabatai, so I should be able to help him. But this, I just... I don't know how."

Marley put down the drinks as then she put his hand on Alec's arm. "I know you're scared, but we don't know for sure if Jace is going down the same road as Céline. Don't lose hope."

"Thank you." Alec was feeling better, then he took a book from a pile and sat down in a chair.

Marley was gesturing to the books. "What's all this?"

"I need to stop these mundane murders." Alec replied to her. "We have no idea who or what the Owl is and hit a dead-end on testing Morgan. Digging for clues."

Marley went to sit on the other chair's edge and was flipping through another book. "Not to be an overeager warlock girlfriend, but, need a hand?" She asked. "Or should I ask my dad?"

"You and Magnus help me all the time." Alec replied to her. "If I came to you every time I had a problem..."

"We'll spend more time together." Marley put down the book. "Look, after I get some food in you, I'll let my father come down to the Institute and examine Morgan. See if his magic can shed some light on things."

Alec put the book down and walked to the window. "Thank you. But with this, I just...' He was shaking his head.

Marley put her hands on Alec's shoulders. "We'll make it through this. Okay? One step at a time."

"Yeah, I know." Alec smiled at her, turned around and put his hand on her stomach. "Thank you."


Later, in the institute, the alarm went off as Clary asked around. "What's happening?"

"We're not sure." Magnus replied to her.

"How long's the system been down?" Alec asked as then in that moment, the system started back up.

"Less than ten minutes." Underhill replied to him.

"Hopefully it was just a glitch." Lindsay added.

Alec and Clary looked at each other.


The elevator doors opened, Clary, Magnus, Marley and Alec went into the basement. They saw Morgan lying in her cell. "No." They run into the cell.

"Oh, not so fast." Marley groaned, swinging a bit as she walked.

Then, Alec crouched down by Morgan and turned her so they can see her face. Magnus used his magic on her.

Suddenly, Morgan gasped and sits up. She looked scared and confused as Clary asked. "What's going on?"

"She's free of all demonic possession." Magnus replied to her.

Morgan looked around her. "Where am I?'

"Hey, you're okay." Alec replied to her. "You're okay."


Not much later, Alec and Marley were laying on their bed. Alec was still worrying about Jace and the owl, but then he laid his hand Marley stomach, were their child was growing, he calmed down, smiling. "Still a few months, before he comes." He comment.

"I know." Marley smiled at him. "Then we meet him, but we still need a name for him."

"We think of something." Alec told her.

"Yeah, we will." Marley comment, happily.


Meanwhile, with Magnus, he was doing his inventory for his potion supplies when there's a knock on his door. Then he opened the door. "Yes?"

A woman stood there. "Are you Magnus Bane?" She asked to him.

"I am." Magnus nodded. "How can I help you?"

"I have a rather complicated problem and I hear if anyone can help me, it's you." She replied to him.

"Come on in." Magnus told her, let the door widen to let her in. Then the woman entered Magnus's apartment.


Author's note: Sorry about the shorter chapter!!! I hope the next one is larger. 

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