Chapter 10

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You had never seen anything like the sizzling streets of New York. You felt so small, yet so free.

The reporter next to you wasn't as impressed; silently walking with his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. In deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked.

He snapped out of his thoughts "I... I think we should find a bookstore or a library. There's something I want to look up."

"Okay" you said and smiled.

As you strolled down the streets you couldn't help but rejoice over the feeling that caught your heart when he had asked if you wanted to go for a walk with him. The Captain had mysteriously disappeared not long after he had heard the young man ask you, Chris had muttered about having to do something and the dog came with you of course.

You drew your coat tighter around you in the wind. With his hands in his pockets and an unreadable expression on his face, Tintin kept a steady pace. You looked over at him for a bit. He was pretty in a way, like he would never hurt anyone. He was brave yet shy. He was a mystery but at the same time so relatable. Tintin was a paradox wrapped up in a blue sweater.

The paradox suddenly stopped. A giant building towered above you, sparkling in the lights, and the reporter went in. His trusty little white companion followed.

The library took your breath away. It had hundreds of beautiful windows, shelves filled to the brim with books and shiny stone floors. Tintin had disappeared somewhere in the labyrinth of knowledge and literature. You didn't mind. 

You had to find something to say to him. When you were apart all you ever thought of was Tintin, for some reason, but whenever you were together you couldn't find anything to say. The words always seemed to get stuck somewhere inside. He didn't really help.

Chris had been different. He knew what he wanted and what he had to do to get it. Chris didn't think: he did. He forgot about others needs, wants and even feelings sometimes. Like that one time when your little group had gone out to dinner. It was Monica's time of the month and she did not feel particularly beautiful. You had tried your best to comfort her, giving her the most of your attention and time. Well, Chris got jealous and decided to pick on her. Not knowing what was going on, he hit a soft spot and she burst into tears. None of you were happy with him. 

Chris was known for being quite jealous.

The redhead was nowhere to be found and you still hadn't figured out what to say or how to say it. 

Maybe in the romance section?

You grabbed a few random books, sat down in a chair and jumped right to a part where the main character spoke to the love interest.

He spoke to her "But Lucy... you're my yellow rose!"

Lucy turned around "You are a dead man, Mr Hale."

The moonlight hit her fair skin and the wind ruffled her dress when...

You closed the book. Maybe it was naive to look for answers in a romance book. Or maybe it was just that book. You grabbed another one.

"I have never loved a soul like yours. Your essence fills me; it feels like sunlight dancing on a field of flowers, like the winter's first snow, like a child's first lollipop. You are my dawn, the air i breathe. You are a thousand songs of love. You make everyday acts seem like the deepest confessions of love. You are everything good this world could offer."

They're so passionate in books, even intense sometimes, you thought as you picked up yet another book.

"I think I like you..." Lord Bell said.

The young Lady stared at him.

"You make me feel at home, just by being in your presence Millie" the young man continued.

"You... You make me feel safe even when I'm in the most difficult of situations" Millie answered.

And the Lord smiled, a true genuine smile, for the first time in years.

You smiled.

That's more like it, let it take time. No need to rush.

You stood up, put the books back and started wandering around. 

Where could Tintin have gone?

You looked at the beautiful and old shelves. You had never thought that knowledge could be so gorgeous. There was something else you hadn't thought about too. That a red headed journalist could be so charming.

But there was something you knew. Loving can hurt. Chris was a prime example. You had wanted to love Chris, maybe you had never stopped, but his love wasn't meant for you. Chris only meant well but he had slowly started to take you for granted. Like he could never lose you.

Somehow the thought of love still scared you.

The sea of thoughts must have dragged you far down because you didn't even notice when you walked into the young man.

You stumbled backwards and in his desperation to not let you fall made him pull you close.

You looked up at Tintins startled face, only an inch away.

You could count every perfect little freckle.

And then you realized what was going on, you panicked and said the first thing that popped up in your mind:

"That's a really nice sweater."

Tintin unfroze and let go of you.

"I-Uh-Thanks" he responded as his face turned a bright red.

You bent down to pick the books that he had dropped up, it was the least you could do after running into him like that.

Your mind was blank again.

"So-" -it sounded as if the reporter was nervous- "Do think you are going to get back together with Chris?"

"No, never!" you said way too fast.

He just nodded a little. "I just don't want him to bother you Y/n."

Your heart did a little flip.

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