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As you snap back to the real world, you felt confused and genuinely disappointed.

The dream about you and Dolores kissing was still lingering in your mind, but now that you're face-to-face with the real Dolores, you understand the dream more.

"Wake up, (n/n)." Dolores taps your shoulder.

"Oh sorry, did I doze off there?" You mutter, as you rubbed your temple.

"Yeah.." Dolores scoffed.

The crowd of guests continued clapping as the two of you stood infront of each other.

"Let's eat?" You politely ask Dolores, earning a small chuckle from her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, let's eat." Dolores jokingly laughed.

You and Dolores walk together towards the dining room, which had already had the other Madrigals waiting at the table.

The guests that were inside went outside out of respect, as they left the Casíta to the Madrigals and the two men.

Isabela and Mariano sat next to each other, while Abuela Alma and Señora Guzman talked about their grandchildren's proposal.

Casíta had dragged along another chair and placed it beside Dolores' place on the table, using the wooden floorboards.

The family notices your entrance as they greeted and congratulated the two of you for getting together.

You and Dolores move over to the other side of the table, where your spots were as the Madrigals that you passed each gave you an approving look, except one of them, Abuela.

In contrast to her utmost acceptance of Mariano Guzman, she didn't like the idea of you getting together with Dolores as much. Abuela had always expected the best out of her family, which was all part of her hierarchy, the Madrigals must maintain the perfect image, so that Abuela can feel content with them.

Abuela especially didn't like you, after you and Mirabel had broke down during Antonio's ceremony, having accused the Casíta of breaking down, and the magic fading. Noone believed the two of you ofcourse, except Dolores, and a few more people. Abuela had reassured everyone by telling them that you and Mirabel had too much to drink, which had caused everyone else's outlook on you to drop overall.

You and Dolores take a seat, Casíta pushed the chairs forward towards the table. But a little more subtle act from the Casíta made you smile a little, You noticed Casíta slowly move your chairs closer to each other, clearly liking the idea of the two of you being together.

"Now that everyone is here.." Abuela pulled away from her conversation with Señora Guzman, as she held up her cup, and called for everyone's attention.

Everyone sat up straight and directed all their attention to Abuela.

"Tonight, two of the women in the family spend time with their significant other, this will be very good for the Encanto ofcourse." Abuela stopped, as she smiled around the people at the table. "Salud!" Abuela cheered as she lifts her glass up, "Salud!" Everyone else replied, also lifting their glasses up.


"Pst.." A whisper came from beside you, where Dolores was sitting. You turn your head to look at her, "Hm?". "I think it's time.." she whispered. The statement confused you, time for what? "What? What do you mean, Dolores?" You replied with a confused look on your face.

"It's time we go talk to Bruno." She lowered her voice, making sure noone else from the family heard her.

You had almost forgotten why you were here in the first place, investigating the lost Madrigal and looking for ways to fix the Casíta.

Just Out Of Reach || doloresxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now