Chapter 14 (Real)

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Im sorry :( I had a crazy month. I failed 2 major tests and got grounded for it and my uncle was hospitalized :( He was working underground cutting pipes with some type of electric saw when the blade of the saw came of and hit him in the chin. He's getting better everyday but I had to watch my cousins for a few. Sorry about the long wait and sorry for the chapter before this. Here's the real chapter...

Chapter Fourteen

Me and Ryan. Hanging out. On Friday. Why did I agree to this? I slouched over and trudged into the house. It was getting late and I really needed sleep. While preparing for bed, I was thinking of ways I could confront Ryan about this whole tutoring thing. He doesn't need me. I don't need him. I only need one friend and that's Mercy! I need to focus on grades. Mercy knows that but Ryan doesn't. We can't be friends. I don't want to be friends. I kept repeating that in my mind as I drifted off. Friday will be here real soon.....whoopie.


What do you know? It's Friday. Friday must be the worst day ever, and not because Rebecca Black ruined it for me, but today I was hanging out with Ryan after school.

Classes flew by and my day kept getting worse. Today was a mix up day at school so my first period class was last today. and that was the only class I had with Ryan. Throughout class he kept turning around to look at me but I avoided his gaze.

I couldn't avoid him any longer after class. I had to face him sooner or later but by the looks of things, I guess it was sooner.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

Before I could think I opened my big mouth.

"Yea. Let's go." Im such an idiot.

We got into his car and took off to the unknown location. Ryan put on the radio because he must have noticed the awkward silence. Almost an hour later we pulled up to some small resturaunt that didn't look expensive or cheap. Ok maybe a little cheap. They didn't have a sign. No name. What kind of resturaunt doesn't have a name? Still not talking, we got out of the car and walked into the place and were seated immediately. Not much later after we ordered, our food arrived and we just satrted talking. But most of the time I seemed un-focused. Why did he need me? Why did he need me?

"Why do you need me?" There goes my big mouth again.

"What do you mean?"

Time to get this off my chest.

"Why do you need a tutor?"

"My dad chose you cause im stupid?" he said more like a question.

"Stop lying to me." Im getting irritated now because he's playing dumb.

"Lying? About what!" he shouted causing people to look at us.

Ryan sighed and threw some money on the table then got up and walked away. I quickly followed behind.

"You know what your lying about. I know your smart. I know you finished your study packets so why do you need me?"

He sighed once again, in defeat. "Did it ever occur to you that I just wanted to hang out with you?" he asked.

"You never talked to me before you and your friends strolled into class late and I was forced to be your tutor. So why would you want to hang out?"

"I wanted to hang out with you because I heard from some people that you were fun to be around and tha-"

"Let's just end it here. I don't need any more friends. Mercy is the only friend I need." I stated.

"You know what! Yes, I am smart matter-fact, im smarter than you! And I was trying to help you. I was actually trying to be nice to you but now you're pushing me away. And I never wanted to try and be your friend. What if I wanted to be something else? Huh? But no-------it's just--- nevermind."

I just stood there listening to him mumble to himself angrily. Next thing I knew, he threw my bookbag at me and stomped over to the driver's side of the car. But before he got in he yelled,

"Have fun walking home." The he drove away.

What a jerk!!!

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