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Hey guys,

I know you guys are waiting for new chapter for a while. But the last month has been a very difficult one for me. My mom and dad both got tested positive for COVID-19 and then my mom had a series of health issues followed by a surgery.

I had to fly down to India in emergency and was busy just focusing on my family. And in all the chaos, have had no time to write or think about writing.

Things are finally beginning to settle now and I will try to write soon. But I am currently feeling very distant from my story but will try to get back soon.

I usually don't like putting up notes especially about my personal issues. So in case I don't update for a while, it means that I am occupied with some personal problems. I hope you guys understand.


Reality Ever Afterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें