Chapter 2: Acting on personal preference

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Author's note:

Well this lunar new years I got loaded


This morning, they've gotten into class as usual, the new kids somehow at school before Tenya himself, the class rep looking slightly downcast in his seat. The class' mood setter, meaning: Ashido Mina, confidently walk over and smoothly blended in the conversation. There was talking back and forth for about two minutes before the pink skinned girl stumbles back to the rest of her class who had expectant expressions, only to see her darkened and tired face.

Mina Ashido is very confident in her status as a social butterfly, but this is the case that finally exhausted her extrovert battery, making her want to go back to her room and just be alone for awhile. That Ying girl spoke rapid fire and Yaya filled her head with multiple chemistry related questions right when she told them she can produce acid from her body. The boys weren't any better, the small one was very oblivious, going along and giggling at whatever it was funny, the bigger kid, Gopal made a lot of references to games she never heard of and she couldn't get anything out of Fang, to be honest she was kinda scared of him. His blue visors did nothing to improve his stare.

"So you couldn't get anything out of them?" Hagakure inquired, her invisible hand stroking gently at Mina's back. Her friend is slightly shaking, and slumping over her table. Some other early arrivals also gathered around the table.

"I didn't get anything beside weird game references..." Mina muttered out, the new kids are truly something different. Right after she said 'hi'. To not strain the conversation, she didn't out right asks what their quirks are unlike someone else in her class. She continued by telling them her name and quirk, then lasted for another minute before her brain gave out.

All this talk about ultimate moves.... confuse the Kokotaim immensely. Not once in their lives have they ever been one trick phonies, adaptation is the main component of Ochobot's powers, their output depends on how they feel and think. So nothing in their move sets particularly stand out by any means.


"Aizawa-sensei! Why aren't the new students here?" Iida raised his hand once again, he noticed that during the class' walk here, the new comers parted to a different route with Vlad-sensei.

"They aren't here because they have to an academic assessment. Basic transfer procedures." Eraserhead explained, picking his ear. Its probably a good thing if those kids have less than decent grades, it will make the plan conduct easier if they are academically challenged.

Tenya is content with that answer and headed off to create another ultimate move of his own, and informing his remaining classmates about not needing a distraction so they can have more people on the decorating team.


"You have four hours to finish. Subjects include: Math, English, Modern literature, History, Geography and Science." Vlad informed as he walks around the conference table, distributing piles of paper in front of each child. He really doubts that they can do well, a closer look on the achievement documents showed some written on school dates and usually consecutive. The man finally stops in front of the double doors. "BEGIN!"

The gang opened the first of multiple stapled papers, just like in the easy A exam, just no threat of being thrown into the vacuum of space. They all started on math because it was usually the hardest, Vlad observed their tense expressions, noting the instant silent surprise on their faces, they finish the first slips under thirty minutes.

The test wasn't really a test to them, because the questions actually makes sense, they've formed a subconscious of 'textbooks aren't to be trusted' after all their years of studying with Papa Zola, their other conscious learn everything else through experience and either the station's library or Databot. If Databot is too slow and they're on a timer, they'd give the Space archives a visit. In short, they know a lot, including textbook knowledge of course.

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