Logic is gone, an empty mask remains.

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                             Chapter one
    Emotions; emotions fluctuate from happiness to something indescribable. Nowadays, emotions mean everything; they can swiftly create or destroy anything within reach. Defining one's whole world views. Then there is logic. Logic is much different than the truth. It is a section of a library while the truth is a shelf, or the book itself. Often, someone's logic could be different depending on an individual's perspective. However, logic is substantially more feeble than emotions.
Imagine this: there is a girl, she has had many deprivations in her life. One day, someone comes along and they have all but the best intentions. They know the girl can't handle this world on her own, so they help her. The person effortlessly puts on a mask, as this person has done this before. "Practice makes perfect," everyone says. Indeed though, they were right. The girl falls head over heels for this person, and thus, all logic is gone.
A mask is what keeps someone's identity hidden. Your role when wearing a mask varies. I can't remember the last time I saw my face. To see my own family's faces. I sat in the classroom and began to feel a frown leisurely crawl on my face. In an instant, my white-stone mask cries out an unforgettable alarm. "Miss Haru, please go to the guidance counselor," my teacher -who we are instructed to call HR. due to her having a happy mask and being a reading teacher- turns to me. Silently, I get out of my seat, take my stuff with me, and swiftly exit the classroom. Although HR. was wearing an uncomfortable, happy, smiley mask, I could tell she didn't want to send me back; since she knew it wasn't my fault. 
While walking, I turn to look at the posters hung up. Even for posters, they looked tiresome. Nothing but blacks, whites, and maroons. That, after all, was our school dress code. Girls wore blouses with marshmallow-like sleeves. To complement the blouse, it had dress pants that were tacky, and frankly unwanted (with a matching headband).  Finally, the bow on this "pretty" idea of a dress code is black tapping shoes. The girls didn't get the short end of the stick though. Guys had to wear the same thing as us but you know, without the blouse. While looking at the dull, sad hallway, I ran into a room labeled, "Guidance Counselor," yay...
"Back again Miss Haru," she sighed, " At this point, your behavior seems repetitive," Mrs. NGC (Neutral Guidance Counselor) was always unimpressed. Her mask consisted of a blank face with eyes that stared into your soul. She began to go over lines I had memorized, words that meant little, and punishments that affected nothing in my life.
I slowly turned to the wall and saw a book that said, "Emotional Inc. country and history, all students must learn this before high school." That's when I started to recall what my teacher, HH. -Happy History teacher- talked about.
Hi, my name is Haru D. Winston. In short, the world was normal. Countries, including America, had problems but overall were peaceful. Little did the world know that everything would change next election. Someone came along, a dictator, someone the world wasn't prepared for. Their words were eloquent and left steam-mark imprints on people's memory. However, it was obvious, as they said it many many times, that their words were not their own. So whoever those words belong to must've been exceedingly menacing to other candidates. That's what was scary to the U.S government. They were scared of who this person worked for. Too bad they didn't take action. . . .
There was something strange about this, conspicuous, lady dictator. It is that she wore a theater mask. You would think that because she wore a mask people wouldn't trust her. Wrong.
As soon as she was declared victorious, America changed. Companies called Emotional Inc became publicly ubiquitous. Most people don't expect this, but the masks themselves are actually high quality. Depending on how the mask is delineated, it is the deciding factor for the dominant emotion. Humans are like a vessel for the mask. The only difference is humans still know what's going on, even if they can't control it.
In just a month, America was presiding over half of the world. From the tip of North America to the end of South America. The country's name now meant little, for it was not America anymore. It embellishes across the world as  I.C.E  (InCorporation Emotional.) Though we all called it Emotional Inc. Any foreigner who came in never walked out. This caused many wars between I.C.E; nevertheless, I.C.E remained the winner.
Did you know that we also live in sectors? Right now I live in sector H which stands for "Happy" as my mask, like many others around here, has a happy face on them. This is also the reason for the teacher's names, like Happy reading. If students don't retain the emotion they're given then they must be sent to the guidance counselor. Superior roles have perpetually been given to people with neutral masks. This is because they work at a rapid pace,
and cause less damage. This situation comes in an instant, as in our country, you would rather have a Happy history teacher than an angry one. Despite this being common sense, it would lead to sections of negative emotions being more looked down upon.
There is one thing though that still bothers me. My mask is broken. That's right, broken. I feel and control my own actions. The teachers know about my situation, yet they don't inform me. My mother is the only person close to me that had a decent understanding of what was going on. After all, my mother worked for the government. While my father and I were happy, she was given a sad mask. So, in the depths of my arms, my mother was taken by her own job. You would think they would put her in the capital of I.C.E, Natropilia(the only place where emotions of all kinds are allowed for work purposes) but I've already tried looking.
Ever since the incident, I was more cautious, jumpy even. I was 11 when the effects of the new election hit. We were all wearing masks but they weren't active...yet. Near my birthday, when I was turning 12, people with resentful masks entered. My mother immediately raced for me. I've always hated silence. The silence ends up becoming a noise itself. And that's exactly what happened. A surprised party of chaos and with silence being the background noise. Fumes from the entranced being knocked off its handles acted as a blanket, covering the people's identities. Just as quickly as it happened they left. Taking my mother before she even said goodbye.
My father and I spent the next weeks putting up missing signs everywhere. That was, until the channel on tv we were watching aired and our 'president' gave an address to what was happening.
She started talking and said," Fellow citizens of I.C.E, as you might have noticed, an overwhelming amount of loved ones have been taken. However, there is a reason for that, for there is always a reason. Ever since we added lower floors to the White House, we have given more jobs to the public. One of those jobs consists of assigning a certain mask and emotion to each individual," She took a pause," Yet it is strictly illegal to have another emotion enter, what we will now call, sectors."
I felt like an emotionless statue, looking upon my dad for an answer he looked cheerful. Was his mask already activated? I went straight to my room and looked for more answers ever since that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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