Chapter 66 - It never pays to eavesdrop.

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Damien (PoV)

Spying on conversations isn't something he normally did but Damien wanted to hear the conversation unfiltered. He'd been on his way to meet Paul, detouring briefly to see how Virgil was progressing now he was awake, before heading to he barracks. He was surprised to hear the PA's voice before he entered the room, what he was saying made him stop and stand back. The PA was talking to the Head Nurse, she confirmed Virgil was making good progress. He still had to endure more of the detox treatments to draw out the remaining wolfsbane from his system, but she said the treatments were more uncomfortable than painful. Also his wolf was recovering quickly and taking more control of his human form helping him heal quicker. Virgil still couldn't eat or talk properly because of the burning to his mouth and oesophagus, which had taken the brunt of the wolfsbane. His lungs and heart would be the last to heal...that would be several weeks away.

"If this had happened anywhere else he would have died within the hour. He's a very lucky boy. The Goddess must favour him." She hesitated for a moment and then went on. "He must think a great deal of you to do what he did." She shuffled her paperwork to cover any embarrassment the PA might have felt.

From where he stood Damien couldn't help but cringe at the thought. There were little things they said and did that had surprised him. Were they close?

The PA stared down at Virgil, he didn't reply. Behind his dark glasses his eyes squeezed shut briefly but no one saw that speck of emotion escape. "It was probably the most foolish thing I ever saw anyone do. He's more of an idiot than I thought." He tone was expressionless. Paul tugged at his sleeves and turned to the nurse speaking in a quieter voice, meant for only her to hear.

Of course this peaked Damien's curiously even more and he leaned against the crack of the door to catch what was being said.

"My reason for wanting to speak to you privately is that it will be full moon in two days and Virgil will be experiencing his second heat since coming of age. Please keep this to yourself and any arrangements you make do them discretely." The PA removed his glasses making sure she realised his instructions were to be followed to the letter.

"On the first occasion he had almost no control over his wolf, who has a blood lust. He'd much prefer to draw blood then mate." The Nurse looked concerned. Damien's eyewiden at this news.

"Virgil is also clueless of the effect he has on lycans and humans while his pheromones are raging. He will need to keep his pelt trap on, all the nursing staff have to be mated and I will arrange for one of my Lieutenants to secure the room on that night. He will need to be restrained, possibly sedated." Paul wished that wasn't the case but until he learned to control himself or he found a mate, it was unavoidable. There was no Charlotte this time to service him. "I hope him enduring being on heat doesn't disrupt his recovery?"

She dismissed his worries. "Going into heat without a mate is very unpleasant but not life threatening, even in his present condition. Perhaps sedating him would be the kindest thing to do."

Damien felt his anger growing. Why didn't he know any of this? Why was Paul privy to this personal information? This was turning into a very annoying conversation.

"We took precautions the first time not knowing how he would react. I found him a partner who could cope with his needs but his wolf turned feral, he had to wear a pelt trap. The person isn't able to service him on this occasion, so no one will be allowed into the room, that includes the Alpha for their own safe. His scent becomes overwhelming." I will be speaking to the Alpha today and I will bring this up with him.

Damien was furious, SERVICE HIM. How did he know what his scent was like when  he was on  heat? Sooo many questions . The idea of Paul setting Virgil up with a prostitute made him wish he had hit Paul harder. He couldn't even get his mind around when and how Paul could arrange all this behind his back.

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