❤️Valentines day❤️

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(Ignore all the mistakes in this okay? I didn't proof read it)

F/d= favorite drink
F/s= favorite snack


'I wonder what I should get Sho for Valentines Day?'  The thought wonders around my brain. Walking through the stocked shelves filled with candy hearts, flowers of different colors, and chocolates. The aisles around this time always have a certain feel and smell to them.

There's couples everywhere in the store, every corner I turn there's a couple there. Makes me miss Sho. Oh well, I'll see him when I get back to the dorms. All this money I saved up to buy Sho a great gift and I still can't find anything good enough for him. Losing hope I just buy a bag of chips for me to enjoy in my room and went on my long walk back to the dorm rooms.

While walking I stumble across a cute stand on the side of the road with many other tiny shops, its a small market with not to many people walking around. I walk up to one of the stands and look at what they're selling. The top of the table is filled with all kinds heart shaped trinkets. Although all these things were super cute only one thing caught my eye. It was a cute little brown teddy bear keychain holding a heart, the heart had a simple 'I love you'. It wasn't anything special but it was calling out to me.

"Excuse me, how much do you want for this?" I say holding up the keychain pointing at it. A short old lady got up from her chair and walked over to me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked smiling at me, her voice was very sweet sounding a little raspy but sweet.

"Hi miss! I was wondering how much you wanted for this?" I questioned handing it out to her, she gently took it out of my hands looking at it.

"$20, only because it's hand made" she said smiling. "Oh! I can also add a initial to the back of it. Don't worry it doesn't cost extra." she turns it around and points at where she can stitch in the initial.

"Oh wow! You made this by hand? It's so cute, I'll take it. Can you put the initials. ST?" I say giving the old lady the bill. She grabs the bill and puts it into her pocket and pulls out a needle and black thread. I watch as she skillfully stitches in the letters 'ST'. After watching her work for a minute or two she wraps it up in pink paper and ties a red ribbon on it.

"Have yourself a good day dear! I hope your lover likes their gift!" The frail lady yells out to me as I walk away from her stand.

"I hope so too!" I laugh and yell back at her. On my way home I continue to walk past couple after couple making me feel like how I once was before I got with Shoto.


Putting in the pin to unlock my phone I swipe down on the message.
-Hi darling, you're free tomorrow right? Just double checking I want everything to go perfectly tomorrow.

💖My Love 💕
-Yeah I'm still free, where are we going? Do I have to dress formal?

-I'm not telling you, but you don't have to dress formal just come casual. I'll be waiting for you at the cafe shop near the dorms at 12 tomorrow.

💖My Love 💕
-Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow! Love youu!

-I love you too! I'll see you tomorrow then.

Stuffing my phone back into my pocket a smile plastered on my face. Walking the rest of the way home in a great mood.

*The next day*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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