CH. 2 A dungeon with no candles

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There was something..something very dark..which I can see but I can't explain
It was standing just a few steps away
And my legs freezed
Suddenly I felt as if time has stopped
My heart stopped as if I forgot how to breathe
I stood there in one place without blinking my eyes as if I am stuck in that place
My mind was completely blank
Eyes wide,
Sweat dripping from my forehead
I was breathing heavily
My body felt very hot like it was on fire, burning from inside

I noticed the entire room was becoming dark, starting from the upper left corner of the living room, it was spreading all over the place
Which fueled my fear even more

"You are very precious, you shouldn't live"
That is what it said
And it was a voice of a male which I have never heard before
But it was the only thing that made me snap out and focus on the current situation
I have to somehow get out of here or at least protect myself
Because...I know...I know the shadow wants me to be killed!

In fear and defence, I stepped back and back until my back hit the wall
And that was when I got a look of my surrounding and saw a vase on the counter table beside me

I quickly grabbed the vase with both my hands and that was when I noticed that not only my hands but my legs were trembling out of fear

"Don't dare to come near me or else!"
I threatened the dark being before me which was foolish and useless
But that was what I could do in that situation

The dark being didn't say anything but in reply, he took a step forth which made me throw the vase that I was holding with my weak and trembling hands

I cried my lungs out

My legs were shaking even harder this time and it felt like they were going to collapse anytime
So I had to grab onto the counter table for support

The vase which I threw passed right through the shadow and shattered on the floor
And that was the moment I realized I need to make a run for my life
There was no use in defending myself

But this wasn't the most terrifying thing
The most terrifying thing would be the way the shadow walked towards me
It took a small step with its right foot and then dragged the left foot beside the right one and then take a step forth with its left one

It's the most dreadful but the only fortunate thing that happened so far
It at least gave me some time to run and save myself

I grabbed the doorknob, my hands still shaking and sweaty while I put my focus on the shadow to see if it noticed yet

I slowly twisted the doorknob but I couldn't open the door!
No... No... This is bad... This is bad
What am I supposed to do!?

I turned around to try and open the door harder this time but I got no success
Nothing works....nothing ever worked!

I bite my lower lips attempting to keep my calms
Half expecting the shadow to be right behind me, so I didn't turn around
I don't want to turn around because I know what I was going to see
Please...make me disappear......I-

But what I heard, I never expected it
I heard the laughter of a woman who sounded very familiar to my ears
In confusion and curiosity, I turned around to find ME.....
I was standing right in front of me once where the shadow once stood

My entire living room was nothing now except for darkness
And there she stood amid the darkness

She looked at me and gave a smile which I once gave to someone and I recognise it
I- I know that smile..... I...... know what that means!
With that smile came back the memories and all those horrible feelings
No... No! No, I am happy, I did nothing wrong
But with those words, I told myself came the feeling of guilt, fear, sorrow, misery, suffering, pain and confusion


The fake me just stood in her place without trying anything, she just smiles at me, not of any sympathetic one, the one which is enjoying my suffering, the one which tells the agony of mine is bliss to her

I don't want to see her
Pure anger was radiating from me and all the fear just disappeared suddenly
No, I can't take the humiliation anymore
I am so furious at her and myself, that I just want to-
No... No, I can't, I have to leave this place

My eyes were all teary from the humiliation and anger I just received
I can't take this anymore
I can't stay here anymore
I don't know where to go in this dark place but I have to run, just go somewhere, I just need to run away, run away from everything

My legs came to be running off to somewhere, somewhere far from her, far away from everything
The fake me didn't move an inch nor did she blink, just smiled and turned her head to look at me run away from her
I know she is enjoying it, like how I am running away like a scared little mouse, I don't want to her enjoy this, to see me like this

My eyes still blurred from the tears but it's useless anyway, the entire place is just dark, black and empty which makes me even more anxious and scared but I need to run away from everything

My legs were on the cold floor when suddenly the floor wasn't there anymore
It happened so unexpectedly that it didn't even allow me the chance to take in what just happened
And I found myself falling deeper and deeper into this void of darkness


To be continued

To be continued

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