Chp 11

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A/N for those of you wondering the pic above is what I imagine Estrella looks like, it's not exact but it's the closest pic I've found lol

The next morning I woke up to snickering and hushed voices.

"Shh, you'll wake them." Someone whispered.
"They're fine, if they end up having pups they'll have to get used to less sleep anyway."
I growled.

"What do you guys want?" Preston asked, sitting up.
"Well, we came to tell you that a bunch of betas from the surrounding packs came to visit."
"What, why?"
"No idea, we're hosting a party for them to keep them entertained until y'all get off your lazy behinds and go down to greet them, one of them is wearing tribal pants and pretty much nothing else, most of the unmated females keep checking him out."
"Ugh why can't we sleep." Preston complained.

"Ha loser, you're the alpha, technically I don't have to do anything l. /I/ can go back to sleep." I stuck my tongue out at him and snuggled back into the blankets when I was shoved off the bed!

Ouch the floor is hard...

"What was that for?!" I nearly shouted, standing quickly.
"It was very mean of you to rub it in my face that you could sleep some more so now you get to come down with me."
"You're so mean to me, I didn't get like any sleep last night."
"Too bad, get dressed."

I sighed, but stood and got into the shower, using his shampoo and body wash to wash up.

As soon as I stepped out from the warm water I quickly dried off and slid into a nice floor length, single strap, ocean blue dress with white on the bottom before adding a touch of makeup and stepping out.

As soon as I stepped out from the warm water I quickly dried off and slid into a nice floor length, single strap, ocean blue dress with white on the bottom before adding a touch of makeup and stepping out

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"Wow." Preston breathed from the bed, wearing nice jeans and a dress shirt.
I blushed, but frowned at him. "Let's just go before they get anymore ideas."
"Yeah, uh, right."
Preston stood up, kissed my cheek and gently pulled me down where maybe a dozen betas stood eating snacks or chatting with other betas.

It didn't take much time to spot the beta wearing the tribal pants, he had brown hair and emerald green eyes, as well as the aura of an alpha and of course the tribal pants, they stuck out against the other formally dressed betas and I immediately trotted over to him.

If I'm going to talk to him I might as well get something to drink while I do it

"Hello, I'm jack, from the Bloodfang pack."
"Nice to meet you, I'm the alpha's soulmate."
"He found his mate?" Jack looked surprised and I had to hold back my smile.
"Yes sadly, now I'm stuck with him for all eternity. How about you? Have you found your mate?" I was genuinely curious, he seemed different than most of the betas I've met before.

"Nope, I don't think she's in my pack, which is why I was so excited to be traveling as a beta inside of crammed in an office or cave like an alpha." He chuckled and offered me a cup of punch while I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're an alpha?"
"Born and raised until about a year ago, I found my twin and she was given the responsibility."
"Woah, that's even better."
"Hey!" He scowled at me and I shrugged.

"What's going on?" Preston asked as he came over and wrapped an arm around my waist. I growled and pulled it off of me, still angry about the lack of sleep.
"We're just talking, alpha." Jack replied with a bow, although a playful smirk played on his lips.
"What about?" Preston was clearly upset that an unmated male was speaking to me, but I didn't care, it was more entertaining this way.

Jacks answer seemed to irritate him further and just as he was about to tell him to back off, a tiny bomb went off in the punch  and completely soaked the three of us. The bomb wasn't big enough to do any damage to anything luckily and when I looked up to make sure the boys were ok, Jack had a guilty look on his face while he was obviously fighting laughter and Preston's face was completely red, I thought he was about to explode and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Only an alpha can get away with doing something like this
Mate upset! Calm mate

I rolled my eyes and ignored my wolf, snickering with Jack as Preston stomped away to change.

"Oh my gosh, the look on his face was priceless! I wish I'd gotten a picture of it." I sighed softly, disappointed that I'd missed my chance.
"Don't worry, alphas always have cameras, I'm sure you can find the video feed and save it or something." Jack sighed softly, amused.

We chatted for a while, me ignoring my stained dress, and eventually Preston joined us and for whatever reason argued with me over every little thing, even over the last strawberry.

"I want to visit your pack." Preston demanded suddenly, glaring thinly at Jack, who paused and blinked at him curiously.
"I want to see how your alpha runs the pack, I'll be there in a week to give you time to prepare."
"With all due respect alpha, you can't just declare a visit and expect my alpha to accept it."
Preston growled lowly at the defiance, eyes turning their dark blue which meant his wolf was in control.

"...... fine, I'll tell my sister to expect you." Jack finally caved in, probably because Preston had already been pushed to his limits.

Clearly my mate doesn't have a sense of humor
His pride is hurt! Be nice
Akira he's an alpha male, they're always like this

He nodded and walked away to thank the other betas for coming and soon, we were alone in the house once again.

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